PGI's Beginners Platform - The Auto Trader


Junior member
Prosperity Group International developed their Beginners Trading Platform - Auto Trader for those clients whose financial circumstances do not allow them to enter Prosperity Group International's (PGI) other standard Index Trading platforms. PGI's Auto Trader is also suitable for clients who are not able to find the time to trade themselves due to the busy lives they lead. This platform is one of the most unique Index Trading products on the market today. The Beginners Platform - Auto Trader page will explain in more detail as to how this style of trading is conducted. Regards, PJ.
Ah, make money by doing nothing.

Now, why don't the big-time players do that?

Maybe because it doesn't work?
Ah, make money by doing nothing.

Now, why don't the big-time players do that?

Maybe because it doesn't work?

Thanks for your interest,

The PGI Auto Trader is our introduction to our unique Index Trading platforms and only makes a relatively small amount of profit per month. Our Auto Trader is no get-rich-quick scheme, it is just a way to generate a bit of extra passive income in order to demonstrate how the system works. For those interested in larger amounts of profit we have the "PGI Index Trader" platforms. With the PGI Index Trader the investor can choose the amount they wish to invest and they perform the trades themselves based on information provided by our market analysts.

Our Index Trader was awarded a merit based Federal Government COMET Grant, in order to assist with its development and subsequent commercialisation. For your convenience I am posting a link to an article entitled Federal Govt Grant Helps Develop PGI’s Successful Index Trader which can be found on our blog.

Thanks again, I hope this has helped.
Regards, PJ.
I think you misinterpreted his statement. He wasn't showing interest...
I have seen a few messages regarding the Auto-Trader in another topic. The end result is those people that initially invested in the system lost their money, yet the price on the system keeps going up.

How can you explain that?
I hope it was a mistake thanking the guy for his interest when he was obviously bagging out the product. It makes you look silly or ignorant otherwise.

The Blog I have not seen in a long while if at all and it is good to see that there is some good information posted there. Even if a bit one sided leaning heavily towards advertising the products. That is to be expected though I spose. It is particularly good to see that monthly results are now being posted. This will give clearer guidance and shows that PGI are not trying to hide bad results. It would've been good to have results further back than december but as long as future results are posted I can deal with that. A summary showing monthly results in a table would be good. I can show you what I mean by that if you like.

Admitably the results more recently have been better apart from a few hiccups. I would like to see Auto trader results posted though. That would be interesting for a lot of people. Also on the monthly results a total at the top would be good showing total alerts, win % etc. It's harder to show a profit figure that would have been obtained although that would be good. It is was posted an explanation on how it was worked out would be required.
I hope it was a mistake thanking the guy for his interest when he was obviously bagging out the product. It makes you look silly or ignorant otherwise.

Based on his reply, I'd have to lean towards ignorant.

If this is the way PGI look at potential clients or existing, then it's really a joke and I feel sorry for the people currently involved.

The more I look into PGI, the more I don't want to join.
I hope it was a mistake thanking the guy for his interest when he was obviously bagging out the product. It makes you look silly or ignorant otherwise.

The Blog I have not seen in a long while if at all and it is good to see that there is some good information posted there. Even if a bit one sided leaning heavily towards advertising the products. That is to be expected though I spose. It is particularly good to see that monthly results are now being posted. This will give clearer guidance and shows that PGI are not trying to hide bad results. It would've been good to have results further back than december but as long as future results are posted I can deal with that. A summary showing monthly results in a table would be good. I can show you what I mean by that if you like.

Admitably the results more recently have been better apart from a few hiccups. I would like to see Auto trader results posted though. That would be interesting for a lot of people. Also on the monthly results a total at the top would be good showing total alerts, win % etc. It's harder to show a profit figure that would have been obtained although that would be good. It is was posted an explanation on how it was worked out would be required.

Hi There,

Thanks for your feedback.

The person you are referring to had 2 questions in his post, and as we respect the community of the Trade2Win Forums it is only fair to answer those questions with respect and integrity.

I'm glad you like our blog. Blogs are intended to act as web podiums on your topic of choice, so you're right... being one-sided is to be expected throughout the blogging community, that's the whole purpose of a blog. We didn't post retrospective results earlier than December 2009 as we wanted to start this year fresh. I will definitely present your idea of "A summary showing monthly results in a table"... thanks for a great idea. As far as I know the Auto Trader results are not scheduled to be posted as it is run by another system all together. However I wouldn't rule it out in the future. All the best, PJ.
Any other Autotraders on here......

Just want to find out how they are going... i've only had one trade on my account since late december.... reasons cited by PGI... They system was not performing.. so they are changing it... i said ... it would be nice to be told these things... communication and transparancy... So i expected trades to begin this week... still nothing... any one else out there.......

The Self traders are still getting their alerts... so why isn't autotrader working...

Peter Jenson..... Any comments......
Any other Autotraders on here......

Just want to find out how they are going... i've only had one trade on my account since late december.... reasons cited by PGI... They system was not performing.. so they are changing it... i said ... it would be nice to be told these things... communication and transparancy... So i expected trades to begin this week... still nothing... any one else out there.......

The Self traders are still getting their alerts... so why isn't autotrader working...

Peter Jenson..... Any comments......

Hi Pommygirl,

The following was sent to our Auto Trader clients just recently, in case you haven't received it, I'm posting it here for you....

The introduction of our AutoTrader product has been an exciting time for the team here at Prosperity Group.

Like many new products, we have experienced some glitches in the last 60 days, which have involved both a security upgrade, and improvements in the quality of trades being placed.

For these reasons, there have been times during this period where your service may have been temporarily inactive. Because of our policy of only placing trades on your behalf when we are confident in the chances of a successful trade, we envisage there may be some further interruption over the next 14 days.

We wish to apologise for the inconvenience caused, and thank you for your patience with our exciting new product.

In the interests of fairness to you- our valued client - we are offering a suspension of your next monthly payment. This means that you will not be charged.

We will liaise with you directly in the upcoming 14 days to advise you of the progress and of course the resolution with these glitches.

The team at prosperity pride ourselves on our ongoing relationships with our clients, and again would sincerely like to thank you for your patience.

Best Regards, Peter Jensen
So i've been very patient with autotrader.... waited 28 days + for this upgrade to happen and still nothing has changed... I had one rouge trade that won... and I thought great PGI are starting to trade for me again..... but nothing since.....

I know I have had my montly fee held until you begin trading again.... but my patience is wearing thin.... its been 5 months and I've made no money and my account is down $120.... I was expecting to have made at leat $1000 by now....

Any news.....
Any other autotraders out there.......😢

Hi Pommygirl,

The following was sent to our Auto Trader clients just recently, in case you haven't received it, I'm posting it here for you....

The introduction of our AutoTrader product has been an exciting time for the team here at Prosperity Group.

Like many new products, we have experienced some glitches in the last 60 days, which have involved both a security upgrade, and improvements in the quality of trades being placed.

For these reasons, there have been times during this period where your service may have been temporarily inactive. Because of our policy of only placing trades on your behalf when we are confident in the chances of a successful trade, we envisage there may be some further interruption over the next 14 days.

We wish to apologise for the inconvenience caused, and thank you for your patience with our exciting new product.

In the interests of fairness to you- our valued client - we are offering a suspension of your next monthly payment. This means that you will not be charged.

We will liaise with you directly in the upcoming 14 days to advise you of the progress and of course the resolution with these glitches.

The team at prosperity pride ourselves on our ongoing relationships with our clients, and again would sincerely like to thank you for your patience.

Best Regards, Peter Jensen
i have joined in since march and haven't made anything so far from this system- auto trader, they kept saying that the system is upgrading and nothing happened afterwards, so i am not expecting anything from this anymore. stand up as a good example, should anyone doing the research will look at this message by chance, then consider seriously to become one of us. good luk people
I have had the same info also... since february. they have cancelled their monthly fee, i've only paid one since i joined in November... so thats good. I did get a random text from them last week saying the volatile markets ment no tips tonight... so i guess that for the other traders.

But i've pulled out and given up..... this is not the right financial climate for these kind of schemes.... joiners beware... no money made on autotrader in 6 months...
hi Pommygirl, just wondering how much did u actually paid them since joining? i paid 2200 and another 880 on that bom thing.
we paid $1800 in November 2009 and $800 into BOM.

Interesting that they put up their rates......

And thats why we only did the autotrader... as it all sounded too good to be true.....