1500 hedge funds closed ,insider trading ,ponzi schemes,redemption failures


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redemption failures,liquidations,ponzi schemes,fraud,insider trading,losses,stealing investor's money,duplicate fees

Many of these hedge fund managers are proven to be crooks

The total losses of investment banks /hedge funds and their overall damage to other instituitions may top over $10 trillion.Hedge funds lost over $500 bn in 2008 in poor returns.The total damage caused by hedge funds associated with large investment banks , spill over to commercial banks in losses , losses in share prices and toxic assets may exceed $3 trillion.This assumes losses of share prices by Lehman , A I G ,Merril and their hedge funds.The damage to other financial instituitions may top another $ 7 trillion.This was the damage caused by theses investment banks and their gambling.

The Morningstar 1000 Hedge Fund Index lost 10.3% in USD terms in the fourth quarter of 2008 and 22.2% for the year, wiping out the last two years of gains


According to Bloomberg 1500 funds closed last year


Pooled fund of hedge funds report lowest returns on record

Despite some stronger results in earlier periods, pooled fund of hedge funds failed to achieve positive results and returned -3.2% p.a. over three years to December 31, 2008.

Hedge fund returns 'are vastly overstated'
Barclays said returns were also exaggerated because of selection bias, the result of some hedge fund managers choosing not to report figures, especially when they have performed poorly.Hedge fund returns 'are vastly overstated'
Between 1994 and 2005, US shares produced an average annual return of 10.6 per cent, just outpaced by hedge funds, which according to Credit Suisse/Tremont, produced an 11 per cent average annual return
A third problem was known as instant history bias: funds tend to wait for a period of strong performance before publishing their figures and entering an index. This strong performance is then backdated into the index.
Hedge fund assets could fall two thirds-UBP
Madoff's kiss of death for hedge funds



On July 19, 2007, Google reported earnings that were lower than what analysts had expected, and the tech company's stock price dropped 5% — but Raj Rajaratnam made $9 million. Allegedly, the New York hedge-fund manager had gotten a tip that Google's earnings would be below expectations, so he was prepared with short positions and put options that would become more valuable as the stock price fell. The alleged source of the tip: an employee at an investor-relations firm that helped Google announce its earnings who wanted to be paid for similar informational gems in the future.


Arrest of Hedge Fund Chief Unsettles the Industry

Hedge Fund Crook Fakes Death


Hedge fund swindler from N.O. turns himself in


Weavering hedge fund falls into liquidation
PwC said this derivatives contract "had been struck with a company which was revealed to be related to the fund manager", adding that this unidentified company "lacked the value necessary to support the swaps"Is this another fraud?

Why invest in hedge funds and Ponzi operators?Hedge funds lost $500bn in 2008 and some are not allowing redemptions?Hedge funds lost 20% in 2008 , excluding fraud,ponzi schemes and redemption loss of opportunity.

Gottex Sues Connecticut Hedge Fund For Alleged Fraud


Hedge Fund Lawsuits: Did Your Hedge Fund Live Up to its Promise?


hedge fund targets retail investors:credit crunch


New Jersey Federal Court Freezes Assets of Hedge Fund in Fraud Action Brought by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission


Goldman’s partners leave after fund losses


Calpers Tells Hedge Funds to Fix Terms -- or Else


When Hedge Funds Close Their Gates on redemptions: Ruling on Amended Partnership Agreement

Hedge Fund Fraud


Lawyer Is Accused in Massive Hedge Fund Fraud


Man Group entangled in DoJ hedge fund fraud inquiry


Alexander James Trabulse | Hedge Fund Fraud Case


Hedge Fund Fraud: 02-27-09 John Nicholson, Assets Frozen


BVI hedge funds accuse Cayman fund of $2.7 million fraud ...


Hedge Funds County Once Championed Now Prove Too Risky

Voiceof San Diego - San Diego County’s pension fund is slashing its $1 billion hedge-fund portfolio and acknowledging that the investments it once championed have become too risky and no longer make sense.

Fears of Madoff-style scandal as Florida fund manager goes missing



Massive Hedge Fund Failures


Financial crisis: Hedge funds face record redemptions


US hedge fund charged with $7bn Madoff fraud


Hedge fund manager accused of fraud arrested in Hong Kong


Ex-hedge fund manager Israel pleads guilty to bail jumping


The incredible shrinking funds


After the new regulation is implemented hedge funds returns are set to dwindle

Man Group chief warns on hedge fund regulation

Increased regulation of hedge funds will drive some out of business and lead to a shrinkage of the industry, according to the chief executive of Man Group, the UK's biggest listed hedge fund manager.


Why do 95% of traders lose trading the financial markets?
Hedge funds traders are also part of the 95% losers club.Hedge funds are traders betting /gambling red or black in a casino

You've probably heard that infamous phrase that only 5% of traders are successful in the market.Unfortunately It is true.I believe it could even be less.Now this may not sound too encouraging, especially to the newbie trader but it is a fact.In many circles trading is known as a zero sum game.In other words it has no gain.For you to make money someone somewhere has to lose his/hers.True.So if you are a good trader you could stay at break even for a while.
I started thinking about these things the other day especially the 5% of traders who 'do' make money.What do they know that the other 95% dont? Think about this for a moment......The answer is nothing.These guys are no better than any other trader.ITS NOT WHAT YOU KNOW BUT WHAT YOU DO that matters



The investment returns of Hedge funds are overstated by 6%.Many performance reports show gross returns before fees,and from the 8,000 hedge funds only a handful of profitable funds report figures.If 1,000 hedge funds report , there are potentially 7,000 potential losers in the hedge funds in the managers.

HEDGE FUNDS ARE USELESS INVESTMENTS:zero returns since 1994.Read our analogy

Hedge fund like activity has produced zero returns since 1994 , and carry far greater risk than investing in stocks.

Since 1994 investment in the Dow has provided better returns than hedge funds .Dow was 4000 in 1994 and is now 7200.Hedge funds including hedge fund like activity of Lehman brothers,A I G and Bear Stearns lost over $1 trillion in 2008.This loss is far greater than the investment returns of much less than 1 trillion made by the hedge funds over the same period.

Hedge fund assets could fall two thirds-UBP


Alternative funds charge investors much more than they’d pay for traditional investments, and for what? That’s the question asked by Larry Swedroe, a principal at Buckingham Asset Management in St. Louis, Missouri, and author of “The Only Guide to Alternative Investments You’ll Ever Need.” As a group, hedge funds underperformed every major asset class through the market cycle running from 2003 through 2008, he says.


Brilliant answer to banking crooks

Congressman Michael Capuano nails WallStreet Crooks using unregulated hedge funds

A £1bn hedge fund run by Peloton Partners has collapsed and a second fund, worth £800m, is in doubt as the company sells off its assets.


Since hedge funds are essentially unregulated, there are no definitive statistics, but by some estimates there are about 8,000 hedge funds with combined assets of about $1 trillion, up from $400 billion in 2001.

Early in June, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan warned that investors who have flocked to hedge funds for better returns than they can get elsewhere are likely to be disappointed. The funds had already picked the "low-hanging fruit" and were likely to find fewer and fewer good investments, he said. But Greenspan opposes stricter regulation, arguing that hedge funds contribute to financial stability by providing liquidity. He agrees with the hedge fund industry that such regulations would boost hedge-fund costs and discourage formation of new funds.


In the 1995-97 period, excess returns were 14 per cent; these returns have consistently declined dropping to as low as 5 per cent in 2001-03 and have dropped further since.

AIG was a hedge fund attached to a stable insurer, says Bernanke

Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke was widely quoted as criticising AIG in a Senate hearing yesterday. "I think if there's a single episode in this entire 18 months that has made me more angry, I can't think of one, than AIG," he said, according to various press reports. He added that was angry about the way AIG had strayed from its core insurance business and took unmonitored and unnecessary risks through its financial products unit, describing AIG Financial Products as a hedge fund attached to a large and stable insurance company.
The attack came as Bernanke defended the need for a bail-out of AIG. Bernanke said: We had no choice but to try to stabilise the system because of the implications that the failure would have had for the broad economic system.

The financial crisis started with AIG's hedge funds playing casino in the financial markets.How can these roots of evil not be strongly regulated.

The Big Lie Exposed: Wall Street as Institutionalized Fraud


Wall Street is Rigged and Inherently Corrupt

The focus about Wall Street is to expose to bright light the false idea that Wall Street is a "free market." In fact, the market is highly manipulated, opaque, inherently corrupt, and rigged against individuals. Wall Street is everything that Adam Smith feared. Smith, the father of modern economics, said that the invisible hand only works in a society adhering to moral norms that prohibit theft and misrepresentation. Yet theft and misrepresentation are the twin gods of Wall Street.

Institutionalized Fraud - Ben Bernanke Style



Wall Street's Den of Thieves
By: John EllisThu Sep 11, 2008 at 1:29 PM

If you follow the trail of deceit from Enron to its natural lair, it only leads to one destination: Wall Street. Here's why.

Den of Thieves is a snapshot of human nature showing its seemy side. Stewart's book has a cast of characters you couldn't believe if it were a work of fiction. The most brilliant thing about "Den of Thieves" is the range of villians in the book; no two come to their law-breaking in the same manner or embrace it to the same degree. All of them find temptation (usually in the form of large heaps of easy money) too hard to resist.



This really gets me! Some of the very people our government (Bush) bailed out last year, were under investigation for defrauding investors out of millions and billions of dollars. AIG for one.

Madoff is just the tip of the iceberg.



HMC Hedge Fund Founder Grebow Sentenced to Four Years in Fraud


Hedge fund liquidations set new high in 2008


Massive Hedge Fund Failures
City hedge funds head for domino collapse
Gradient close to collapse as hedge funds feel heat
GLG, a hedge fund started in 1995 by a group of former Goldman Sachs bankers, has in recent weeks had demands for more than $500m (£270m) from investors wanting to pull out of its $4 billion market-neutral fund.
Mr Farman, 44, previously worked at Schroder Securities, BNP Capital Markets and Goldman Sachs before he joined Adelphi Capital Management, a London-based hedge fund. He set up Gradient in 2001 with Mr Pagel, a 35-year-old American who worked as European stock analyst at Goldman Sachs before moving to Adelphi.

The financial crisis started with AIG's hedge funds playing casino in the financial markets.How can these roots of evil not be strongly regulated.


FBI Fraud Probe Aims at Westgate: Reports


Nicholson's alleged scheme unraveled after the Bernard Madoff scandal came to light and several investors made redemption requests, authorities said. About two dozen received checks for a total of $5 million, but all of them bounced, the Justice Department said. Others attempted to redeem over $10 million without success.

Hedge-Fund Destruction

Emerging Markets Hedge Funds Post Record 2008 Losses, HFR Says


Hedge funds seek to head off regulation


Madoff's kiss of death for hedge funds
Bernard Madoff, former Nasdaq Stock Market chairman and founder of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, was arrested and charged with securities fraud Thursday in what federal prosecutors called a Ponzi scheme that could involve losses of more than $50 billion.


Wall Street, R.I.P.: The End of an Era, Even at Goldman


Prominent hedge funds nurse heavy losses in 2008




Emerging Markets Hedge Funds Post Record 2008 Losses, HFR Says


Citadel reports loss of 35% by main hedge funds

Pension funds expect hedge fund losses

Hedge Funds May Cut 20,000 Jobs as Losses Erode Fees (Update1)


How Giant Bets on Natural Gas Sank Brash Hedge-Fund Trader
Up in Summer, Brian Hunter Lost $5 Billion in a Week As Market Turned on Him
A Low-Profile Life in Calgary


Goldman Sachs Alpha to Fail?


Their team makes -- and sometimes loses -- millions of dollars a day. At the heart of their empire is Global Alpha, which generated about $700 million in fees for Goldman Sachs in fiscal 2006. This money machine hums mostly behind the scenes. Asked about the fund, Goldman spokeswoman Andrea Raphael declines to confirm even its name.

Carhart and Iwanowski, friends since their days at the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, oversee about 10 other Goldman hedge funds, too. Together, they trade everything from Japanese stocks to U.S. soybeans, to Israeli shekels.

Global Alpha is part of the richest hedge fund empire the world has ever seen. Last year, Goldman Sachs eclipsed D.E. Shaw & Co. and Bridgewater Associates Inc. to become the largest hedge fund manager, with $29.5 billion in assets as of Dec. 31, according to Bloomberg and Chicago-based Hedge Fund Research Inc., which tracks the industry. That figure excludes Goldman's proprietary-trading funds and its funds of hedge funds.


Global Alpha plummets 22.5pc in one month

Goldman fund loses nearly $1 bln in ten months


Ospraie Hedge Fund Closing its Doors After Suffering Massive Losses

Andor Hedge Fund Closes
Top performing hedge fund to close
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Why are you bullying hedge funds, what have they ever done to you?

I am worried about how much of my pension contributions are siphoned off into hedge funds and their ponzi schemes.We are all poorer and some of hedge fund friends are richer,and they have not made any money overall for the last 30 years.

Zero returns after their losses of $500bn in 2007/8
I am worried about how much of my pension contributions are siphoned off into hedge funds and their ponzi schemes.We are all poorer and some of hedge fund friends are richer,and they have not made any money overall for the last 30 years.

Zero returns after their losses of $500bn in 2007/8
Just put it in a SIPP, then you can lose it all yourself rather than letting the hedgies do it for you.

Just put it in a SIPP, then you can lose it all yourself rather than letting the hedgies do it for you.


I got the super Zupconite pension fund to put my money in.I was looking doing some mental arithmetic on Zupconite, and the estimates are 500 % a year, sounds crazy .

4,000 trades a year ,30 pips profit per trade , no final losses , capital required 20,000.
Jeez ODT, so what? There's been 120 banks closed in the US so far this year...what's your point and couldn't you have made it with brevity and relevance without this monotonous autistic rant?🙄 You're not even a one trick pony, perhaps a no tick donkey...?
Jeez ODT, so what? There's been 120 banks closed in the US so far this year...what's your point and couldn't you have made it with brevity and relevance without this monotonous autistic rant?🙄 You're not even a one trick pony, perhaps a no tick donkey...?

Better to read from different sources than reading from a concise opinion.Let readers form their own opinion on the subject.

The evidence can speak for itself.
Better to read from different sources than reading from a concise opinion.Let readers form their own opinion on the subject.

The evidence can speak for itself.

So is your message that it's a great time to start a hedge fund? Or has that boat sailed approx. this time last year? 😀
So is your message that it's a great time to start a hedge fund? Or has that boat sailed approx. this time last year? 😀

My message is very clear .Hedge funds are useless investments.They have provided nett zero returns over the last 30 years.

If investors invested in the Dow 30years ago,they would have had far superior returns

You might be better off investing with Alpcapone or even a complete novice who did not go to Harvard.

hmm, thanks for the news. now, i got something to deflect the inevitable question when i get drunk; "how's your trading, making any money yet?" 😀
hmm, thanks for the news. now, i got something to deflect the inevitable question when i get drunk; "how's your trading, making any money yet?" 😀

Very well.Made $3m today after an insider tip to short some stocks.The announcements was perfect and sold 30m Vod shares for 10 point profit.

If Govt Sacks had not tipped me I would not have made the money.Govt Sacks's messenger informed me of the news release in advance.Heck I am the manager of a hedge fund Govt sacks partners have an interest in and get 10 % of profits.
Hedge fund investigated by Serious Fraud Office


The hedge fund, which is registered in the Cayman Islands, is run from London by Dr Alberto Micalizzi. A former Morgan Stanley adviser, Micalizzi has a strong academic background and specialises in using mathematical models to predict market movements and developed growth premium analysis – a complicated investment theory.
Jeez ODT, so what? There's been 120 banks closed in the US so far this year...what's your point and couldn't you have made it with brevity and relevance without this monotonous autistic rant?🙄 You're not even a one trick pony, perhaps a no tick donkey...?

Why ? Did I grass on your lot?
Why invest in hedge funds and Ponzi operators?Hedge funds lost $500bn in 2008 and some are not allowing redemptions?Hedge funds lost 20% in 2008 , excluding fraud,ponzi schemes and redemption loss of interest.


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