BSD's Ichimoku class. "Simple as Cake"

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Depth Trade

Experienced member
This thread is to showcase BSDs experience and impecable skill set.
BSD has worked alongside some of the most capable and experienced traders in Japan. There he honed his skills in the 'Art of Trading'.

From NewYork to Milan, he is known as Big Swinging Dick, not because of his arrogance or jealous rages, but because of the massive currency positions he is responsable for.

""It's actually far simpler than it initially appears, and it's huge in Japan where it comes from (and where futures markets where invented hundreds of years ago.).

I lived there several years and all the financial charts on stock market reports on TV etc always showed and formed the basis for analysis, all the banks there use it, and anybody who wants to work for a Japanese bank there or abroad in any role even remotely to do with trading definitely needs to know how ichimoku works.

Having said that, many Japanese are really into technical trading, into charting (candle charts come from there as well I believe) and into trends, and that's how ichimoku probably works best.

One japanese trader friend of mine who started out at as a bank trader and has been trading for himself now for several years is incredibly successful on short time frames trend trading it.

Include some basic price action know how, maybe several time frames, and you've got yourself a robust trading system that aligns you with what the market is doing.

But it's not mechanical, there are probably as many ways of trading it as there are net profitable traders or institutions using it.

I don't use it myself, but I do see why the Japanese like it.

And Japan is pretty much always pretty good at achieving it's objectives once they set their mind to something.

I really have the greatest respect for the Japanese.""

BSD Ichimoku class
(start date 19/07/09)
+ 0 pips
+ 0 %
This thread is to showcase BSDs experience and impecable skill set.
BSD has worked alongside some of the most capable and experienced traders in Japan. There he honed his skills in the 'Art of Trading'.

From NewYork to Milan, he is known as Big Swinging Dick, not because of his arrogance or jealous rages, but because of the massive currency positions he is responsable for.

""It's actually far simpler than it initially appears, and it's huge in Japan where it comes from (and where futures markets where invented hundreds of years ago.).

I lived there several years and all the financial charts on stock market reports on TV etc always showed and formed the basis for analysis, all the banks there use it, and anybody who wants to work for a Japanese bank there or abroad in any role even remotely to do with trading definitely needs to know how ichimoku works.

Having said that, many Japanese are really into technical trading, into charting (candle charts come from there as well I believe) and into trends, and that's how ichimoku probably works best.

One japanese trader friend of mine who started out at as a bank trader and has been trading for himself now for several years is incredibly successful on short time frames trend trading it.

Include some basic price action know how, maybe several time frames, and you've got yourself a robust trading system that aligns you with what the market is doing.

But it's not mechanical, there are probably as many ways of trading it as there are net profitable traders or institutions using it.

I don't use it myself, but I do see why the Japanese like it.

And Japan is pretty much always pretty good at achieving it's objectives once they set their mind to something.

I really have the greatest respect for the Japanese.""

BSD Ichimoku class
(start date 19/07/09)
+ 0 pips
+ 0 %

I have looked at ichimoku up, down, and sideways and have come to the conlusion that there is no money to be made from it.
If you can figure out a way to make money from ichimoku, then you are a better man than I.

-Take Whichever Way Works-
Bruce lee
Jeet Kon Do
BSD, here's your chance to prove yourself.

I'm already up + 410 pips since just this morning.

Is BSD Trader_Dante in disquise?

BSD, get on with it old chap! It's already been almost 24 hours and you still haven't made a move.
I'm already up around +400 pips.

Show us how dillusional you really are old boy.

"It's actually far simpler than it initially appears, and it's huge in Japan where it comes from (and where futures markets where invented hundreds of years ago." Oh yeah, show us how simple it is, liar.
"I could be rich from trading or the biggest loser walking this earth without it making any differenece whatsoever in this context."
I take it your the later, a big loser.

""Walk into any Japanese dealing room today and you will see that the most common charts being used are Ichimoku Kinko Clouds. This book presents the definitive explanation of these charts for the first time to a Western audience"
Americans are the best, just remember that.

BSD Ichimoku class
(start date 19/07/09)
+ 0 pips
+ 0 %
You just go get registered and an audit, dear T2W resident-crook.

"Hi All

My experiment with Depth Trade has now come to an end. As agreed with him the experiment was to last 6 months or 30% DD.

Although the account was down by over 20% at one time Depth Trade was successful in making the account grow end up with a slight profit.

The following is a record of week's end results since the start. Please note that these results include all open positions at that time. If anybody is interested in a complete history of all transactions including interest fees all trades let me know I will forward you the excel file.
Depth Trade Results
Start Date Jan-14
Deposit Amount 1000.00
Week Start Date 5-Jul-08
Week End Date 13-Jul-08
# Weeks 26
USD Start of Week 883.71
USD Ending Amount 1011.20
P/L for Week $ 127.49
P/L % for Week 14.43%
P/L since Start $ 11.20
P/L % since Start 1.12%
Expected ROI yearly 2.24%"

There will also be one more Fee to be deducted for the month of July. I believe it will be about USD 3.50.

In other words, the only record of Depth Traders past performance shows him incurring a drawdown of 20% to make 1.12% in SIX months BEFORE fees !!!
You just go get registered and an audit, dear T2W resident-crook.

"Hi All

My experiment with Depth Trade has now come to an end. As agreed with him the experiment was to last 6 months or 30% DD.

Although the account was down by over 20% at one time Depth Trade was successful in making the account grow end up with a slight profit.

The following is a record of week's end results since the start. Please note that these results include all open positions at that time. If anybody is interested in a complete history of all transactions including interest fees all trades let me know I will forward you the excel file.
Depth Trade Results
Start Date Jan-14
Deposit Amount 1000.00
Week Start Date 5-Jul-08
Week End Date 13-Jul-08
# Weeks 26
USD Start of Week 883.71
USD Ending Amount 1011.20
P/L for Week $ 127.49
P/L % for Week 14.43%
P/L since Start $ 11.20
P/L % since Start 1.12%
Expected ROI yearly 2.24%"

There will also be one more Fee to be deducted for the month of July. I believe it will be about USD 3.50.


MoneyTec 2.0 - View Single Post - Any honest profitbale signal provider ?
In other words, the only record of Depth Traders past performance shows him incurring a drawdown of 20% to make 1.12% in SIX months BEFORE fees !!!
BSD, you are an idiot. You don't know enough about that account to even comment on it.

The client wanted to specifically buy metals. At some point when buying metals, the account will be down.
The price of metals dropped over 50% and I was still able to return the account in a profit.
In an impossible situation, I did what few could have done.

BSD, what your doing to me will be your undoing. It's called Karma, your not going to make it.

Your a total liar and manipultive fraud.

BSD Ichimoku class
(start date 19/07/09)
+ 0 pips
+ 0 %
BSD, get on with it old chap! It's already been almost 24 hours and you still haven't made a move.
I'm already up around +400 pips.

Show us how dillusional you really are old boy.

"It's actually far simpler than it initially appears, and it's huge in Japan where it comes from (and where futures markets where invented hundreds of years ago." Oh yeah, show us how simple it is, liar.
"I could be rich from trading or the biggest loser walking this earth without it making any differenece whatsoever in this context."
I take it your the later, a big loser.

""Walk into any Japanese dealing room today and you will see that the most common charts being used are Ichimoku Kinko Clouds. This book presents the definitive explanation of these charts for the first time to a Western audience"
Americans are the best, just remember that.

BSD Ichimoku class
(start date 19/07/09)
+ 0 pips
+ 0 %
We are still waiting. The will prove it once and far all whether your a scumbag fraud or a real trader.

I'm willing to bet everything your a Scumbag fraud.

BSD Ichimoku class
(start date 19/07/09)
+ 0 pips
+ 0 %
Oh dear, can't someone finally ban this crook who is nothing but a complete waste of time ?

Nobody is waiting for anything.

The person who is hankering after other peoples money like a drowning sailor for air is the one who needs to provide proof of his skills in form of an independently audited track record.

Nobody else.

Like I said earlier I could be rich from trading or just another loser without it making any difference whatsoever in this context.

You are the crook breaking the law by not doing what's required, registering and getting an audit of your past performance.

Not only are you a small time crook which is what people blatantly brealking laws are called, you are also an incredibly boring waste of time.
BSD, get on with it old chap! It's already been almost 24 hours and you still haven't made a move.
I'm already up around +400 pips.

Show us how dillusional you really are old boy.

"It's actually far simpler than it initially appears, and it's huge in Japan where it comes from (and where futures markets where invented hundreds of years ago." Oh yeah, show us how simple it is, liar.
"I could be rich from trading or the biggest loser walking this earth without it making any differenece whatsoever in this context."
I take it your the later, a big loser.

""Walk into any Japanese dealing room today and you will see that the most common charts being used are Ichimoku Kinko Clouds. This book presents the definitive explanation of these charts for the first time to a Western audience"
Americans are the best, just remember that.

BSD Ichimoku class
(start date 19/07/09)
+ 0 pips
+ 0 %
You do have to prove yourself, after the all you have stated and the way you have attacked me, you do have alot to prove and until you do, your nobody hiding behind a Avatar living in a complete illusion.

You are so desperate to show me up, here's your chance. Ultimately you want to prove that I'm not that good, so here's your chance.
I couldn't make it any easier for you, all you have to do is post your trades.

BSD Ichimoku class
(start date 19/07/09)
+ 0 pips
+ 0 %
Like I say, I may be rich, I may be poor, and it is absolutely irrelevant.

Why dear brains ?

Because I am not soliciting other peoples money like you here, and I am not breaking the law like you with your nonexistent track record and non existing registration this apart:

"Hi All

My experiment with Depth Trade has now come to an end. As agreed with him the experiment was to last 6 months or 30% DD.

Although the account was down by over 20% at one time Depth Trade was successful in making the account grow end up with a slight profit.

The following is a record of week's end results since the start. Please note that these results include all open positions at that time. If anybody is interested in a complete history of all transactions including interest fees all trades let me know I will forward you the excel file.
Depth Trade Results
Start Date Jan-14
Deposit Amount 1000.00
Week Start Date 5-Jul-08
Week End Date 13-Jul-08
# Weeks 26
USD Start of Week 883.71
USD Ending Amount 1011.20
P/L for Week $ 127.49
P/L % for Week 14.43%
P/L since Start $ 11.20
P/L % since Start 1.12%
Expected ROI yearly 2.24%"

There will also be one more Fee to be deducted for the month of July. I believe it will be about USD 3.50.


In other words, the only record of Depth Traders past performance shows him incurring a drawdown of 20% to make 1.12% in SIX months BEFORE fees !!!

Like I say, I may be rich, I may be poor, and it is absolutely irrelevant.

Why dear brains ?

Because I am not soliciting other peoples money like you here, and I am not breaking the law like you with your nonexistent track record and non existing registration this apart:

"Hi All

My experiment with Depth Trade has now come to an end. As agreed with him the experiment was to last 6 months or 30% DD.

Although the account was down by over 20% at one time Depth Trade was successful in making the account grow end up with a slight profit.

The following is a record of week's end results since the start. Please note that these results include all open positions at that time. If anybody is interested in a complete history of all transactions including interest fees all trades let me know I will forward you the excel file.
Depth Trade Results
Start Date Jan-14
Deposit Amount 1000.00
Week Start Date 5-Jul-08
Week End Date 13-Jul-08
# Weeks 26
USD Start of Week 883.71
USD Ending Amount 1011.20
P/L for Week $ 127.49
P/L % for Week 14.43%
P/L since Start $ 11.20
P/L % since Start 1.12%
Expected ROI yearly 2.24%"

There will also be one more Fee to be deducted for the month of July. I believe it will be about USD 3.50.


MoneyTec 2.0 - View Single Post - Any honest profitbale signal provider ?

In other words, the only record of Depth Traders past performance shows him incurring a drawdown of 20% to make 1.12% in SIX months BEFORE fees !!!

Your making it extremely clear who the real psyco is, it is you.

What are you not able to get through to your shallow little brain?

That client wanted to specifically buy metals at optimum prices. Either way he was going to be holding precious metal. I got him in at the best available prices and still returned it with a profit.

Your only showing how little you really know about the markets, if not it would be clear how that account played out and why.
You do have to prove yourself, after the all you have stated and the way you have attacked me, you do have alot to prove and until you do, your nobody hiding behind a Avatar living in a complete illusion.

You are so desperate to show me up, here's your chance. Ultimately you want to prove that I'm not that good, so here's your chance.
I couldn't make it any easier for you, all you have to do is post your trades.

BSD Ichimoku class
(start date 19/07/09)
+ 0 pips
+ 0 %
You have the whole forum no waiting on the edge of the seat to see if you can really back your words.

Can you BSD, can you back your words with actions?

"It's actually far simpler than it initially appears, and it's huge in Japan where it comes from (and where futures markets where invented hundreds of years ago." Oh yeah, show us how simple it is, liar.
"I could be rich from trading or the biggest loser walking this earth without it making any differenece whatsoever in this context."
I take it your the later, a big loser.

""Walk into any Japanese dealing room today and you will see that the most common charts being used are Ichimoku Kinko Clouds. This book presents the definitive explanation of these charts for the first time to a Western audience" Americans are the best, just remember that.

BSD Ichimoku class
(start date 19/07/09)
+ 0 pips
+ 0 %
YouTube - Dead or Alive You Spin Me Round

Ban the guy.

He's just going to keep on and on and on trying to solicit money here with his non-track record while simultaneously polluting this site here post after post after post of is incessant brain dead garbage.

I'll take that as you can not back your words.

I'll accept that as your defeat, you can't trade and your a complete fraud.

You live in an illusion, I am reality.

Your the con-man, snakeoil salesman. Anyone you solicite into finances will get burned.
You have no clue what nor why something is happening in the markets.

Your a total joke mate!

BSD Ichimoku class
(start date 19/07/09)
+ 0 pips
+ 0 %
Ok haha, for the sake of your non-argument I'm a total loser.

Now whats that got anything to do with you being here to solicit money without the required 5 year independently audited track record NOR registration ?


Ban the guy.
I'm calling a timeout on this thread. No more posts for 24 hrs, while we look into this.
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