X_Trader users...


Senior member
Guys, I need a little help pulling some data into excel - what I want is not that complicated I would have thought...

... you know if you bring up a T&S window in an MD_trader, it shows trades in blue if they are at the offer, and red if they are at the bid, with an associated quantity - this is what I want, to make a distinction between trades @ the Bid and the Offer.

If I use the RTD and the "LastQty" parameter, the quantitaties seem to be cumulative... and it doesn't differentiaite between hits and lifts - for example, say a market is quoted as 1 - 2... LastQty might show "30" when the T&S shows 20 going through at 2 (i.e. lifting the offer).. then the market moves to 2 - 3, and another 10 come through at 2 (i.e. hitting the bid). These are shown as the same Qty; I want to be able to differentiate between the hits and the lifts...

Anyone got any ideas?

much love

sorry mate, don't know the answer to your question. I actually just wanted to know what monthly fee you are paying for using the platform, was thinking of switching to them
Don't forget there is no way of knowing which way all trades are. Just because it's blue doesn't mean it's a buy trade.
i think CQG offer something called trade flow, this should show you all trades and whether they were buys or sells.
I have just installed X_trader pro 7 test drive version , therefore I have two silly questions that could save my evening 😉

Is charting provided with that version because I can't find it in the application (or how come I can't find it in the most sophisticated trading platform? )
any chance to assign some kind of data feed to it , for charting at least , if available, from yahoo or sth...

I get that through some broker but it turned out that I reqested a demo directly from Trading Technlogies

Just wondering wheter I can make any use of that 192MB application.