I think I'm discerning a trend here.
Members whose names start with F tend to be borderline fruitcakes who may be nice guys otherwise, but unfortunately don't have all their marbles in place, and definitely couldn't trade their way out of paperbags if their lives depended on that.
F: "Hey I'll go long the Dax tomorrow at some point, will tell ya later, and then when I've cashed in my 200 point profit once it's reached one of my levels I'll also let ya know. Later."
Out of all the trading forums it's really only T2W where this stuff and such all-out Nutters are actively encouraged.
One thing is for sure, this policy has definitely harmed the site in terms of activity. Couple of years ago there was so much more going on here. Also why so many of the real traders and top guys have stopped posting here.
Kinda sad really.
Hey BSD, long time no speak, hope you are well. I kind of agree with you to a degree, though I've always taken all posts as I see them, good & bad, not so much that anybody is a nutter, but I think people mostly post to test their own thought process, I know I did so in the beginning.
But one thing I have found (for me anyway) is that I totally switch off when people bang on about the price will reach this level & that, showing their charts & mystic balls, or even worse talking about what level it HAS been, it's bl@@dy obvious where it has been & where it is probable intention is going to be. Anybody learning the ropes need not look at other peoples charts, I now see these posts as almost childish (I kinda always have)
I have in the past tried to talk about the actual live inception of a trade, what is happening in a trap scenario AS IT IS HAPPENING & realised quite quickly early on that not too many others had really worked it out, or even tried to, I mean really getting into the nitty gritty of what is happening on all levels AT INCEPTION POINT, & could see that in actual fact I would be sucked into the vortex of giving away all I have learned through hard work, especially dealing with SB trickery on top the xetra price feed, only to in the end possibly be thought of as a whack job wasting hours of my time on a forum.
I have come to the conclusion that most people probably use this forum as a simple way of talking to like minded people, rather than trying to glean someones method. I do think the forum seemed to have a real quality a couple of years ago.
One trader I really noticed early on was Dinos. I am still in personal contact with Rob, he is dealing with other issues atm, so hope he may return.
The way we all deal with trading as it unfolds in real time in front of us, is so vastly different due to our differing circumstances.
I got into mindfulness about 4 years ago, there was a great app called Headspace, it will seem a little cheesy now, but actually the whole idea of mindfulness is the best thing I have done for my psychology, in all areas of my life.