Top reversal order flow reading

Hi mate, I watch the DOM for a couple of weeks only and just start seeing things (when they are huge as this one). Before this reversal there was 3 others (in one hour time) with a quiet tinny volume on top, less than 100, and not really easy to be sure.

This one is very easy to see, 1200 contracts traded at the top and price never goes Bid, I was able to spot it immediately and just share the moment. I think I neend some more time of the monitor time before being sure to take those 3 ticks profit.

Hope this video is usefull to some people triyng to undersatnd the DOM.

By the way, there is a tread of someone gave up the regular job just for watch the DOM. I can just suggest to keep the job but register the trading cessions (I use the Camtasia for screen recording) and just convert the recording into MP4, easy to rewatch at any time.

Balthazar - I know the guy that gave up his job to do this.

I think he's smart. He was in Banking, saved a pot and then got a bar job and so he has an income as well as his trading. He's just freed up the hours too.

He's a tenacious guy - I am sure it'll pay off for him.

BTW - good luck with what you are doing!
In that case youre definitely doing the right thing, just screen watch as much as possible, if you see things play out over and over that you have "predicted" in advance thats the time to start putting on the trades