What's this nazi box thing?

Picture the scene ...

It's 1941 and Hitler's storm-troopers are smashing through the last shreds of resistance and marching into the Soviet Union.

Flag-Trader System, Guy Cohen

I cant wait for my copy to arrive, Ray the Random Robots going to be gettng his marching orders
"And this has nothing to do with wacky UFOs or other weird stuff! This is a tried and tested scientific system which is as valid today as it was back then ..."

Oh dear.

and this guy contributed to the t2w book?

"And this has nothing to do with wacky UFOs or other weird stuff! This is a tried and tested scientific system which is as valid today as it was back then ..."

Oh dear.

How dare you sir 😆

I hope you arnt casting aspersions on Mr Cohen. He's a well respected contributor to t2w's book dont you know, and I'm reliably informed that his trading experience is second to none.

Rumour has it that the chapter on on Nazi code decryption is a work of considerable academic merit.

If Mr Cohen says its a tried and tested scientific system, then thats good enough for me. You can mock, but this time next week I'll be rich beyond my wildest dreams, and without doing ANY WORK AT ALL, and I have Mr Cohens assurances of that.


and this guy contributed to the t2w book?


He is a trusted information source apparently.

Trust the Information Sources
No more wondering about the background of those answering your questions and providing information. Know who they are, what kind of experience they have, and even what they look like.
If Mr Cohen says its a tried and tested scientific system, then thats good enough for me. You can mock, but this time next week I'll be rich beyond my wildest dreams, and without doing ANY WORK AT ALL, and I have Mr Cohens assurances of that.


Oh ok then. I'll buy my copy now. 😆
This is my favourite line - it's deliciously ironic.

"What I've been working on is a way of making money from the markets which is so quick, so simple and so profitable, it's almost immoral!"

and this bit

"I have developed my own personal robot to do the cherry picking for me!"


and this guy contributed to the t2w book?


Yes - the guy is an obvious scammer and a trusted source, all at the same time.

Sad isn't it?

Welcome back to T2W...
"I have developed my own personal robot to do the cherry picking for me!"

A Nazi-killing, market-beating, cherry-picking robot.

Defends the free world, fills your pockets with cash and provides fruit.

Must get one
Imagine being so rich that you can build robots to pick cherries for you.

This is a picture of my blackberry picking robot. I'm not rich though so it still requires the involvement of some staff. I aspire to being rich enough to have a fully automatic robot, am convinced this guy and his box of nazis will get me there 🙂


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But if you remove the poor ****ing mexican, you won't be able to laugh at his misfortune of being born in a different country!