Bring back Black Swan! Please sign my petition.

Should the Black Swan ban be overturned?

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Jimmy Lulz

Active member
I never thought I'd see the day. Can it be? No more shall the halls of T2W Towers echo to the sounds of "ffs", "mate bud", "grab pips", "off the smalls" and of course "it's not rocket science".

You have probably seen by now that Black Swan has been banned. I will not comment on whether he deserved it - doubtless he did, and I do not presume to question the moderators or demand explanations. All I humbly request is that he be considered for clemency. All those that agree please choose option 1 in the poll to show your support.

Free Black Swan!
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Imagine how much his little face will light up if he has hundreds of friend requests when he finally gets parole, it'll make his day!
I never thought I'd see the day. Can it be? No more shall the halls of T2W Towers echo to the sounds of "ffs", "mate bud", "grab pips", "off the smalls" and of course "it's not rocket science".

You have probably seen by now that Black Swan has been banned. I will not comment on whether he deserved it - doubtless he did, and I do not presume to question the moderators or demand explanations. All I humbly request is that he be considered for clemency. All those that agree please choose option 1 in the poll to show your support. If you do not support his reinstatement, well you can".

Free Black Swan!

you don't need a poll, james - he back soon
may we know his crime before we vote I read it was for posting porn?
I reckon he's been banned cos my conspiracy theory was too close to the truth and they are trying to divert attention. All of my conspiracy lulz posts were deleted!
a better poll would be "ban Barjon", it is he who is responssible for most of the bans, often taking the opposite view to his peers... except that he doesn't know d!ck about trading proper anyhow. a la Howard Cohodas, a la his articles on T2W.
may we know his crime before we vote I read it was for posting porn?

I'm not sure of the reason but last few posts I read he was preaching virtues of CMC's new platform...

Either it was strong personal enthusiasm or noob manipulation???
a better poll would be "ban Barjon", it is he who is responssible for most of the bans, often taking the opposite view to his peers... except that he doesn't know d!ck about trading proper anyhow. a la Howard Cohodas, a la his articles on T2W.

I vote we ban stupid anoying gif signatures
I've found out what Black Swan has been up to. He's working on a book about his experiences as a member of a trading forum and apparently a major Hollywood studio is interested in picking it up as well.

The book is called Single-nics and he's sent me some extracts which he has asked me to share with you:

As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a single-nic member of a trading forum.

To me...being a single-nic member of a trading forum was better than being president of the United States.

Life in the forum, though fun, could be dangerous. Here he tells us what happened to people who seriously misbehaved, for example by having more than one nic:

For most of the guys, bannings were accepted. Banning was the only way everybody stayed in line.

You got out of line, you got banned. Everybody knew the rules.

Sometimes, even if people didn't get out of line, or have more than one nic, they got banned.

Bans became a habit. Guys would argue over nothing and before you knew it, one was banned.

They were banning each other all the time. Banning people was a normal thing. It was no big deal.

At this point Barjon takes over the story (Barjon was the top enforcer for the T2W crew, and the one who banned or "took out" Black Swan):

We had a serious problem with Black Swan.

This was really a touchy thing. I had banned a single-nic guy.

Swan was part of the CMC crew and considered untouchable. Before you touched a single-nic guy, you needed a good reason.

You had to get an okay from PCatCMCMarkets...or you'd get banned.

Fortunately, there was a sit down and PCatCMCMarkets gave Barjon a pass, so it all worked out in the end (PCatCMCMarkets was the notorious boss of the CMC crime family. He is now serving life in Truthseeker Prison for having an 0.8 pip spread on EURUSD when he advertised a 0.7 pip spread. The judge called it the "worst case of spread-widening I have seen this morning").

Black Swan finishes with some final thoughts on his life as a consistently successful member of a trading forum:

You know, we always called each other single-nics. Like you said to, uh, somebody, "You're gonna like this guy. He's all right. He's a single-nic. He's one of us." You understand? We were single-nics. Wiseguys.

😆 I've been reading a different book:

Once upon a time in the sleepy town of Teetow appeared a rowdy gang who dubbed themselves The Lulz Crew. The local citizens of Teetow looked kindly upon this gang since they were occasionally amusing despite their foul-mouthed ways and they generally kept themselves to themselves in the playgrounds of the town. Occasionally, one or two of the gang would venture into the grown-ups part of the town and show the locals a thing or two of much value that made them think. The citizens were bemused and thought it a shame that such grown-up minds should mostly behave so childishly.

Came the day, however, when the crew were not content and took to prowling the streets of the Teetow , terrorising the citizens and shouting their jocular abuse through the windows of the houses. “Enough!”, cried the citizens, “PC Plods must act”. Act they did and many an asbo was issued by the courts.

The citizens were relieved, but their peace was shattered when the gang, re-dubbed the Multi-Nic Crew, reappeared on their streets wearing their asbos with the same pride as teenage hooligans……………………………
I like the way you made us read between the lines, Jon.
😆 I've been reading a different book:

Once upon a time in the sleepy town of Teetow appeared a rowdy gang who dubbed themselves The Lulz Crew(T2W mods and vendors advertisors). The local citizens of Teetow looked kindly upon this gang since they were occasionally amusing despite their foul-mouthed ways and they generally kept themselves to themselves in the playgrounds of the town. Occasionally, one or two of the gang would venture into the grown-ups part of the town and show the locals a thing or two of much value that made them think (about what a load of sh*t hey offer and how they get away with ripping people off). The citizens were bemused and thought it a shame that such grown-up minds should mostly behave so childishly.

Came the day, however, when the crew were not content and took to prowling the streets of the Teetow , terrorising the citizens and shouting (buy our stuff, invest in my forex hedge fund, porst child porn, rip off the unknowing) through the windows of the houses. “Enough!”, cried the citizens, “PC Plods must act”. Act they did and many an asbo was issued by the (crown) courts.

The citizens were relieved, but their peace was shattered when the gang, re-dubbed the (You people who are here for a laugh are idiots cos this is teh serious place, teh serious work)Crew, reappeared on their streets wearing their (badges) with the same pride as teenage hooligans……………………………
This site requires posts. Black Swan is posting machine (you'd think at the rate he posts he was being paid by the dozen)

The advertisers want to see some traffic, so bring him back. you know it makes sesnse.