Less than 3% successful

Define "successful".


adjective /səkˈsesfəl/ 

1.Accomplishing an aim or purpose
- a successful attack on the town

2.Having achieved popularity, profit, or distinction
- a successful actor
Myth if you define success as being a profitable trader.

As I understand it the proportion of profitable traders is around 35%.
one day when i was but a wee lad i tried to jump off the top of my slide that was kept in the orchard to try and catch onto a cloud and go into space.

So obviously I am an epic failure of an astronaut.
one day when i was but a wee lad i tried to jump off the top of my slide that was kept in the orchard to try and catch onto a cloud and go into space.

So obviously I am an epic failure of an astronaut.

No harm in trying
Mind your own business only and forget what other do. The world is full of fools, incompetents, paranoids, psychos, you name it. It is more like 0.01% in reality if you add those that never admit they traded after losing everything.

But that doesn't say anything.
Mind your own business only and forget what other do. The world is full of fools, incompetents, paranoids, psychos, you name it. It is more like 0.01% in reality if you add those that never admit they traded after losing everything.

But that doesn't say anything.

I should think they always need more new traders, once they deplete the accounts of existing ones. So it may not be in brokers/dealers/sb companies interest to publish accurate figures. That may discourage potential customers and cut the supply of easy money.
I'd say that more than 3% of active traders are profitable because ones that aren't give up...

If it is 3% or less then it just makes me feel even more like 'the one'