DT embraces dark side - Vendorship


Legendary member

DT - DionysusToast HAS embraced the dark side.

Check out the bling on the left. I am now a vendor. This is right - I'm now badged.

Whilst I won't use the board to 'subtly' advertise what I'm doing (not that I'm doing that now :whistling), I will tell you what I ain't doing:

- Not teaching
- Nor lecturing
- Nor training
- In fact, nothing at all that could be construed as any form of knowledge transfer about trading
- No indicators (and especially no secret ones from Goldman Sachs)
- Nor flashing lights
- Nor something that tells you when to trade or trade for you
- No shortcuts
- Nothing that can be done in "15 Minutes a day"
- No chat rooms
- No paltalk
- No newsletter
- No trade calls

In fact, that's all the good stuff isn't it?

Still - seeing as I've given much flak to 'oil of snake' vendors on here, I thought it only fair I give them ample opportunity to fight back at my move to "The Dark Side".


The only thing missing is that you're not trading other people's money for them.............😏

Or you're coding up stuff for people............
The only thing missing is that you're not trading other people's money for them.............😏

I can't possibly imagine anything more stressful.

Or you're coding up stuff for people............

uggghhh - manual labour? With my back?

so - to add to the list

- No managing OPs money
- No account statements (fake or otherwise)
- No general Waspishness
- No asking people to give me 100 quid to get home because I'd spent the $$$ on premium vodka
- No services work
- No coding, tweaking, tuning, hacking or any other sort of software development service
Mate you are well behi d the times, Ive been a vendor for aaaaaggeessssssss, even traderdante tried to muscle in on my territory but i bitchslapped him back inTo place so sharpish he traded his OWN pin bar 🙂

Anyway dont post no pics of babes cos i squeezed the fonz out of that market and i dont want to share it.
Dash - why is it when I click your vendor badge, under your post count, it doesn't take me to your site? 😗whistling:whistling

Whetever you are smoking.. I mean selling... I'll have one.

Sort your button out or PM me the site.
(i havent got anything apart from bybody and irreverent charm to sell. I just wanted a vendot badge to see if it would extend my lulz mileage. It did).

Anyway when i get on a proper computer (on iphone now) i will watch your video.

"The fact is that 99% of the trading education available is totally worthless"

Still - seeing as I've given much flak to 'oil of snake' vendors on here, I thought it only fair I give them ample opportunity to fight back at my move to "The Dark Side".



How many free shots do us commoners get?

do you fall to pieces when you get back inside the box method? 😉
If you wear knickers then it's old school, if you hang out at soho then it was made legal a few years back
Lol you going to let the cat out the bag then? You must be vending something?
so upset you have gone to the dark side. what I don't get is if this software is so great why not keep it to yourself and earn millions from it. why sell it for $249 surely if you are a great trader you can make £10,000 per week, i don't get it especially after all the vendor bashing.