Catastrophic event

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If u r scalping , do u protect yourself from catastrophic events ? ie : If daytrading indices then trade shorts only , buy deep OTM puts , or u dont have any protection at all ?
Yes. otm puts essential for position or swing trading, recommended for scalping also. playing with fire otherwise
Protection from global catastrophic events is simply trading lower size such that unthinkable massive gap swing against you won't kill your account, just bang it up a bit. Because scalping doesn't involve overnight risk there is really very little event risk anyway and your market wouldn't gap too far too fast in a liquid market. I use stops ALWAYS when I scalp but often the stop is just in case the market tries to run away from me very quickly. When in a losing position often I exit before the stop is hit.

Protection from global catastrophic events is simply trading lower size such that unthinkable massive gap swing against you won't kill your account, just bang it up a bit. Because scalping doesn't involve overnight risk there is really very little event risk anyway and your market wouldn't gap too far too fast in a liquid market. I use stops ALWAYS when I scalp but often the stop is just in case the market tries to run away from me very quickly. When in a losing position often I exit before the stop is hit.


liquidity will disappear in case of a " catastrophic event " , 5% in indices is nothing but for daytraders is something , ie : 5 % on the Dax = 350 points , Eurex simply will halt trading then open again with a big gap ...
liquidity will disappear in case of a " catastrophic event " , 5% in indices is nothing but for daytraders is something , ie : 5 % on the Dax = 350 points , Eurex simply will halt trading then open again with a big gap ...

OK, then that would be a bit troublesome, I agree. I'm trading spot forex where the would be no halting of the market. Even so take a test. What is the largest gap on the EUREX in the past 20 years or so? Double that and calculate what you would lose if you were trading normal size.

Even during the world trade center attacks here in the US the EURUSD had around a 350 pip range that day and it wasn't a gap. (disclaimer: I wasn't trading forex then, only stocks). If I was trading forex then exactly as I trade it today I'd still be in business although hurting a bit.

if ur scalping and keeping your disaster stops not stupid distance away (like 50%), in a catostrofic even you should be Ok because it will pass through different newswires at different times so unless your stop is far enough that everyone can pull their liquidy from the mkt you should be alright. i mean your stop will get taken out before there is no liquidy left.

the biggest risks are going into caledner releases where wveryone scales back their liquidy going into the figure to avoid situations like these. then you can gap loads without a print for quite a chink before your stop is even triggered (depending on the nature of your stop).

also for scalpers changing from long to short happens alot even intra day so crossing the spread for calls and puts is going to be costly. and just buying both is the same as scalping for gamma i think
Protection from global catastrophic events is simply trading lower size

if your position size is taking into account a 30% crash then you gonna be wasting your time, as each trade size will be so small relative to capital. the best way to hedge exposure and get some decent size on is to provide some protection with options.
if ur scalping and keeping your disaster stops not stupid distance away (like 50%), in a catostrofic even you should be Ok because it will pass through different newswires at different times so unless your stop is far enough that everyone can pull their liquidy from the mkt you should be alright. i mean your stop will get taken out before there is no liquidy left.

the biggest risks are going into caledner releases where wveryone scales back their liquidy going into the figure to avoid situations like these. then you can gap loads without a print for quite a chink before your stop is even triggered (depending on the nature of your stop).

also for scalpers changing from long to short happens alot even intra day so crossing the spread for calls and puts is going to be costly. and just buying both is the same as scalping for gamma i think

but there is no guarantee my stop will be filled even with slippage ...
if your position size is taking into account a 30% crash then you gonna be wasting your time, as each trade size will be so small relative to capital. the best way to hedge exposure and get some decent size on is to provide some protection with options.

I disagree. I scalp for 10-15 pips per trade, maybe 5-10 trades per day. Options are a waste of my money as the cost will put me in a negative expectancy. Options are not for scalpers. Most of my trade have a lower risk than swing traders use. I can't speak for anyone else but I have very little event risk, and trade with a lower account risk per trade than most swing traders, I do very well, and sleep good every night with no open positions.
Using options when swing trading is completely different but the OP clearly mentioned scalping.

Just my 2 cents...

but there is no guarantee my stop will be filled even with slippage ...

if its a mkt order then eventually someone will make a bid/offer to make an arb somewhere, so you are very likely to be filled at some price.

but thats true of all mkt orders. what im sayin is keep your disaster stop near enough that it is likely to be hit before all the liquidity is gone. outside the daily range is way near enough for markets to be liquid but way far enough if you are scalping.

and be flat into nfp, fomc etc...
Simply stated, if you are overly worried that a catastrophic event will wipe you out then you are trading wrong, no matter if you are position trading, swing trading, or scalping. Take measures to preserve your account.

true ,but most likely after the gap maybe ...

if you have your stop near enough that it doesn't take the 4 horsmen of the apocalypse to trigger then you should be ok. before you get to the 4 horses you go pass "sh!t something bads happened I'm out!" and thats where the stop goes, where there will still be liquidity and slippage will be in the order of ticks not handles.

anyway all the scalpers I know have disaster stops that are measured in ticks away 😕
Simply stated, if you are overly worried that a catastrophic event will wipe you out then you are trading wrong, no matter if you are position trading, swing trading, or scalping. Take measures to preserve your account.


I am not overly worried 😀 , i wanted to know if daytraders consider some protection measurements like swing traders , beside using stops of course ...
I am not overly worried 😀 , i wanted to know if daytraders consider some protection measurements like swing traders , beside using stops of course ...

I didn't mean to imply you were, I just stated my opinion :smart:
