how to prepare properly for an interview?


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just received this answer:

The main reason is that overall we feel that there was not a clear enough explanation given as to why you really want to become a trader and work in this industry.

in the last round🙁

does anyone have any ideas what to answer during the interviews? to questions like: why u and not anyone else? tell us of a specific occasion where u showed how great u r or so-lolol. i tried to find a site on the internet but i failed
i tried to find a site on the internet but i failed

maybe that is where you went wrong. answer these questions honestly. if this was a boutique company and not an IB then the manufactured answers are not what they want. they want genuine answers to questions, not what you think they want to hear.

where was it if i may ask?
also, they may have just given you that answer because they don't like you and fancy an excuse.

best rejection (after an interview that had gone so badly I was being asked if I liked comic books... only men in uk who like comics are presumably paedophiles, autists, or both ffs) letter I got suggested that I become an equities analyst 😆

for the best really, I don't think I'd have done very well there.
if you dont know then, are u ready...Recruiters are good of finding out if your full of shi.t or not and it will be pretty clear who reli wants the job when you ask why do u want to do this? The answers aren't on the internet, and if you get the "answers" from anywhere it will be pretty obvious.
Sometimes when people try to be serious about something they can come across less enthusiastic than if you just tell it like it is.

if you come up a little short in the skills department they may look more favorably if you can convince them that you want it bad and that you eat sleep drink it daily.

..just a thought but it would swing it for me.
just received this answer:

The main reason is that overall we feel that there was not a clear enough explanation given as to why you really want to become a trader and work in this industry.

in the last round🙁

does anyone have any ideas what to answer during the interviews? to questions like: why u and not anyone else? tell us of a specific occasion where u showed how great u r or so-lolol. i tried to find a site on the internet but i failed
I know it is not scientific, but it is all we have to go on. Reading through your 9 posts to date, you sounded very anxious and uptight about the interviews and this probably came through in your body language and voice. This might make you appear unable to cope adequately under pressure or not be assertive and confident in your work.

So you may want to look at techniques of relaxation and possibly attend mock interviews or assertiveness classes to help build up confidence in general.

It would appear that you were unable to put across sufficient enthusiasm to convince them that you really want the job. The questions about examples to show how great you are and why you are better than someone else are not designed to show you up as arrogant, but to hand to you a golden opportunity to show this enthusiasm and to demonstrate that you have thought about your own skills and experience and how these match the job description. You need to look at your hobbies, previous work experience, things you might have done in school/college/university that could be seen to be relevant to the job.

You have given us no clues as to why you want to become a trader, so it is impossible to comment.

Convince us and also convince yourself.

If I said to you - you are not cut out to be a trader - how does that make you feel ? Would you feel annoyed at this comment ? If so how would you fight back ? How would you prove me wrong ?

You will not find these answers in any book or website - look within yourself.

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I would always take about 5 bong hits and if they didn`t tell me what I wanted to hear, I would tell them to F uck off.

Either way, you win.
Personally, I believe trying to show enthusiasm in an interview, especially over the phone is very difficult without sounding 'fake'.I am not sure if the 'i love trading' strategy works in an interview, I will let others answer that.

If we are completely honest, no one would want to be a trader if they had the salary of receptionists regardless of how exciting or interesting it is, and obviously, you cant say that in an interview, when really, you are sitting there because of a prospective lucrative contract. I understand the OP's concern and would advice him/her to draw on past experiences in highlighting their interest in trading.

Perhaps a trader could enlighten us on the aspects that they enjoy within their profession? Why did they become a trader and how did it differ to what they were expecting?
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Here is Competitive Interview Prep chapter -

For further practice, make sure you go through the required mock interview (see the Competitive Interview Prep chapter); and for further review, look at some of the following questions:

1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Tell me about your experience.
3. What is your most important accomplishment to date?
4. How would you describe your ideal job?
5. Why did you choose this career?
6. When did you decide on this career?
7. What goals do you have in your career?
8. How do you plan to achieve these goals?
9. How do you personally define success?
10. Describe a situation in which you were successful.
11. What do you think it takes to be successful in this career?
12. What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
13. If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
14. Would you rather work with information or with people?
15. Are you a team player?
16. What motivates you?
17. Why should I hire you?
18. Are you a goal-oriented person?
19. Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
20. What are your short-term goals?
21. What is your long-range objective?
22. What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
23. Where do you want to become ten years from now?
24. Do you handle conflict well?
25. Have you ever had a conflict with a boss or professor? How did you resolve it?
26. What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
27. Do you handle pressure well?
28. What is your greatest strength?
29. What is your greatest weakness?
30. If I were to ask one of your professors (or a boss) to describe you, what would he or she say?
31. Why did you choose to attend your college?
32. What changes would you make at your college?
33. How has your education prepared you for your career?
34. What were your favorite classes? Why?
35. Do you enjoy doing independent research?
36. Who were your favorite professors? Why?
37. Why is your GPA not higher?
38. Do you have any plans for further education?
39. How much training do you think you’ll need to become a productive employee?
40. What qualities do you feel a successful manager should have?
41. Why do you want to work in the _____ industry?
42. What do you know about our company?
43. Why are you interested in our company?
44. Do you have any location preferences?
45. How familiar are you with the community that we’re located in?
46. Are you willing to relocate? In the future?
47. Are you willing to travel? How much?
48. Is money important to you?
49. How much money do you need to make to be happy?
50. What kind of salary are you looking for?

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i never believed in preparing for interviews because HR professionals will always be able to determine if its a purely engineered answer or honest reply..
and e only reason why i wld hire a particular candidate as a trader wld be that he's hungry for $$ & able to trd profitably, nothing else. none of that "interest in fin mkts" BS