Would you say when started out paying $50 per month for platform fees and $6 per RT is a good commission fee for futures?
I am looking to scalp for a few ticks,
$6 RT WHAT??? thats way too much. Anything above 4.50 RT is too much.
Many thanks for your reply
I thought it's too much, but should I really be negotiating with a broker at this point? The fact is, I have never traded live before. I think someone like me this early on in trading should go with what there given, as in a way I am asking too much. What I mean by this, is that I am setting up a trading account with just $750 in funds to trade 1 contract in the emini s&p 500. This broker I am in contact with is offering me this with $500 margin per contract at $6 per RT with platform costs at $50 per month. Should I just go with them? I am thinking if I can make a few thousand dollars after a while then I would be in a better position to negotiate a better commission rate later on. If I don't get it, then I can move on to some other broker offering below $4.50 per RT. The reason I am also keen to go with this broker at $6 per RT is because of only having to fund my account with $750 to trade 1 contract. All the other brokers that I have been in contact with who can offer under $4.50 want the account funded with anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000. So what should I do?
Many thanks in advance
well with $750 if a few of trades go against you then you wont be able to trade at all. If you are looking to build your way up to the top with $750 then good luck. It will be extremely hard especillay with $6 RT. I doubt any other brokers are will to take you Global and AMP are the only ones I can think of.
I don't understand why it's so hard
I have practiced in a simulator. Even if I could make $50 a day, after 1 month that's $1000, month 2 another $1000. Then when month 3 starts I could trade 4 contracts (leaving me my original $500 aside) and make $4000. Then in month 4 I could trade 7 contracts (leaving $500 profit aside + original $500 = $1000 saved). Now in this month 4 I could make $7000 and I can now trade in month 5 10 contracts (leaving me $2000 aside). Month 5 at 5 contracts is $10000. With everything saved from adding whats in the brackets I have $3000 after 5 months. Plus what I have also made to be able to trade each month. As you can see from the above scenario this is known as compound investing. But I am basically position sizing from the compound investments I make. Of course you need to add commissions to this, losses, and you may not win all the time. But if I can consistently do that, then I don't see why starting out with so little is not possible.
I don't understand why it's so hard
I have practiced in a simulator. Even if I could make $50 a day, after 1 month that's $1000, month 2 another $1000. Then when month 3 starts I could trade 4 contracts (leaving me my original $500 aside) and make $4000. Then in month 4 I could trade 7 contracts (leaving $500 profit aside + original $500 = $1000 saved). Now in this month 4 I could make $7000 and I can now trade in month 5 10 contracts (leaving me $2000 aside). Month 5 at 5 contracts is $10000. With everything saved from adding whats in the brackets I have $3000 after 5 months. Plus what I have also made to be able to trade each month. As you can see from the above scenario this is known as compound investing. But I am basically position sizing from the compound investments I make. Of course you need to add commissions to this, losses, and you may not win all the time. But if I can consistently do that, then I don't see why starting out with so little is not possible.
I don't understand why it's so hard
I have practiced in a simulator. Even if I could make $50 a day, after 1 month that's $1000, month 2 another $1000. Then when month 3 starts I could trade 4 contracts (leaving me my original $500 aside) and make $4000. Then in month 4 I could trade 7 contracts (leaving $500 profit aside + original $500 = $1000 saved). Now in this month 4 I could make $7000 and I can now trade in month 5 10 contracts (leaving me $2000 aside). Month 5 at 5 contracts is $10000. With everything saved from adding whats in the brackets I have $3000 after 5 months. Plus what I have also made to be able to trade each month. As you can see from the above scenario this is known as compound investing. But I am basically position sizing from the compound investments I make. Of course you need to add commissions to this, losses, and you may not win all the time. But if I can consistently do that, then I don't see why starting out with so little is not possible.
I don't understand why it's so hard
I have practiced in a simulator. Even if I could make $50 a day, after 1 month that's $1000, month 2 another $1000. Then when month 3 starts I could trade 4 contracts (leaving me my original $500 aside) and make $4000. Then in month 4 I could trade 7 contracts (leaving $500 profit aside + original $500 = $1000 saved). Now in this month 4 I could make $7000 and I can now trade in month 5 10 contracts (leaving me $2000 aside). Month 5 at 5 contracts is $10000. With everything saved from adding whats in the brackets I have $3000 after 5 months. Plus what I have also made to be able to trade each month. As you can see from the above scenario this is known as compound investing. But I am basically position sizing from the compound investments I make. Of course you need to add commissions to this, losses, and you may not win all the time. But if I can consistently do that, then I don't see why starting out with so little is not possible.
I don't understand why it's so hard
I have practiced in a simulator. Even if I could make $50 a day, after 1 month that's $1000, month 2 another $1000. Then when month 3 starts I could trade 4 contracts (leaving me my original $500 aside) and make $4000. Then in month 4 I could trade 7 contracts (leaving $500 profit aside + original $500 = $1000 saved). Now in this month 4 I could make $7000 and I can now trade in month 5 10 contracts (leaving me $2000 aside). Month 5 at 5 contracts is $10000. With everything saved from adding whats in the brackets I have $3000 after 5 months. Plus what I have also made to be able to trade each month. As you can see from the above scenario this is known as compound investing. But I am basically position sizing from the compound investments I make. Of course you need to add commissions to this, losses, and you may not win all the time. But if I can consistently do that, then I don't see why starting out with so little is not possible.
I am setting up a trading account with just $750 in funds to trade 1 contract in the emini s&p 500.
Many thanks for your reply
I am setting up a trading account with just $750 in funds to trade 1 contract in the emini s&p 500.
Many thanks in advance
Hi sop',
You ask so many questions - many of which have been asked before. Not that that matters particularly but, this time, you've really excelled yourself as this question has been covered pretty comprehensively in two other threads - both of which were started by YOU!
Do you think these commission rates inside are acceptable?
What's the best futures broker to use?
In light of this, I can only conclude that your game plan is to ask the same question repeatedly until someone eventually tells you exactly what you want to hear. So here goes. . .
A round trip above $6.00 is good, above $7.00 is even better. Don't fund your account with $750.00 unless you're really pushed to - try and fund it with just $500 max'. And yes - trading is easy peasy pudding 'n pie. You're guaranteed to make at least $50 each and every day without fail. In no time at all your $500 account will be up to $50k and you'll be able to trade 100 contracts per R/T. I would say 'good luck' but it's not necessary as - in your case - success is inevitable!
I have my moments!Edgier than usual Tim...?
Nah DT, there are some true experts on here when it comes to being 'edgy'. No way that I can match them!A taste of things to come?
I don't understand why it's so hard
I have practiced in a simulator. Even if I could make $50 a day, after 1 month that's $1000, month 2 another $1000. Then when month 3 starts I could trade 4 contracts (leaving me my original $500 aside) and make $4000. Then in month 4 I could trade 7 contracts (leaving $500 profit aside + original $500 = $1000 saved). Now in this month 4 I could make $7000 and I can now trade in month 5 10 contracts (leaving me $2000 aside). Month 5 at 5 contracts is $10000. With everything saved from adding whats in the brackets I have $3000 after 5 months. Plus what I have also made to be able to trade each month. As you can see from the above scenario this is known as compound investing. But I am basically position sizing from the compound investments I make. Of course you need to add commissions to this, losses, and you may not win all the time. But if I can consistently do that, then I don't see why starting out with so little is not possible.