Critique this video

In my view its sh1t, same as any other training video.
Personally I find the whole idea of someone training you,
or providing some other means to potentially reduce their own
liquidity ludicrous.

The only reason that ever happens and is worth anything is when the
trainer is going to let you loose with their money working for them.

In any other situation its f**king retarded 😆
Look - I think we really need to put this video in a class of it's own...

In particular, I think the stuff on range bars is absolute comedy gold.
Look - I think we really need to put this video in a class of it's own...

Only in terms of sophistication (or rather, the lack of it).
Otherwise, same as any other 3rd party for profit training sh1t.
As in the primary aim is not education, but profiteering from
people who don't know any better.
Only in terms of sophistication (or rather, the lack of it).
Otherwise, same as any other 3rd party for profit training sh1t.
As in the primary aim is not education, but profiteering from
people who don't know any better.

I think it's best you take a pill and go back to your coloring.

This video is pure lulz.
Seems like a fairly standard hindsight trading video. Didn't realise Stephen Hawking was doing voiceover work, though.
Most vendorscum should be arrested. I couldn't watch much of it, I think I switched off after he started saying that trading futures is "easy".

You should see the bit where he says....

"I use range bars, when a range bar opens, I know where the high and the low of the bar will be. Can't you see what an edge that gives you?"

If people can sit thru 2 hours of Black Swan, this should be a breeze.
That probably WILL actually fool some people DT.

22 years trading/thinking of ways to rip off newb traders...and this is the best he can come up with.
2 minutes was enough for me ........ive signed up naturally