Warning: the thread that follows is highly likely to offend the members of the forum with a fragile disposition. It will probably make jokes at the expense of just about every minority group (sexual disposition, religion, that kind of thing), so if this is likely to upset you, **** off. We are having a laugh.
It's nearly Friday; I've just made myself a Bloody Mary; I'm not touching the markets with a bargepole, but it's too early to quit for the weekend and "Strictly Come Dancing: It takes two" doesn't start for another half hour......
So, to kick things off I'll start with those who I know will recieve the comments in the manner they are meant - not that I care anyway, they're all about as useful as a flaccid w*nk as far as I'm concerned (and in no particular order....):
Banter: Round 1
Arabianights is a northern monkey.
Says alot about you mate if they are the ones getting drunk... I have often found the results of seduction preferable to those of sedation. Then again. I'm not an ugly ****.
Yeah yeah yeah... "Gin" and "coffee"... everyone has secret names for them. Tell us, is he really a Sweepy Long Banana Fiend? Or were you the pillowbiter. Also, please clarify - Belgians... are you the ones who surrender, or just too stoned to notice?
LM: One must raise awareness that a man on the internet is inviting conversation under the alias of a childrens cartoon character...
It's nearly Friday; I've just made myself a Bloody Mary; I'm not touching the markets with a bargepole, but it's too early to quit for the weekend and "Strictly Come Dancing: It takes two" doesn't start for another half hour......
So, to kick things off I'll start with those who I know will recieve the comments in the manner they are meant - not that I care anyway, they're all about as useful as a flaccid w*nk as far as I'm concerned (and in no particular order....):
Banter: Round 1
Arabianights is a northern monkey.
Credit crunch, what the hell when you have theses 3 girls getting drunk in the bedroom.
Girls are good, drunk girls are even better.
Says alot about you mate if they are the ones getting drunk... I have often found the results of seduction preferable to those of sedation. Then again. I'm not an ugly ****.
Initially thought I'd been sleepwalking, or that wasp had smuggled some gin into my coffee
Yeah yeah yeah... "Gin" and "coffee"... everyone has secret names for them. Tell us, is he really a Sweepy Long Banana Fiend? Or were you the pillowbiter. Also, please clarify - Belgians... are you the ones who surrender, or just too stoned to notice?
LM: One must raise awareness that a man on the internet is inviting conversation under the alias of a childrens cartoon character...