100-300 Pips Per Day Any Pair Any Timeframe Using 2 Indicators


Junior member
Hi fellow traders.

I have a trading set up that works in every time frame and on every pair. I'm gong to include a picture of the 2 indicators that I use. TRO's/MP's Support and Resistance, & Mac D 11,12,11, It's very simple, very profitable, and you will notice that we tend to make things very difficult. Don't be fooled into thinking you need anymore then this.

With money management and knowing when to exit you will be winning more trades then any other time you have ever traded.

Please demo first before going live.

Question to you all after looking at this picture with just the 2 indicators what do you see? It should become obvious right away.

Please Post Your Results and how your doing with this set up.



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Please Post Your Results and how your doing with this set up.

Please Post Your Results and how your doing with this set up.


you posted some indicators but no setup.
To get some feedback some more details would be helpfull.

you posted some indicators but no setup.
To get some feedback some more details would be helpfull.

Wait tell the price closes or crosses the S/R. Make sure the Mac D has just changed direction and is going the direction of the trade. Its that easy.

I've attached a picture for you to see some examples of entry and exits


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I particular like the way the exits are labelled at the extreme highs and lows when, there is NO WAY you can call that the high/low with just that indicator!

I won't even start on the fact that over the course of each candle, the MACD and S/R indicator will change after the event should traders decide to continue moving the market in the original direction after all.

Gorgeous in hindsight though!
I particular like the way the exits are labelled at the extreme highs and lows when, there is NO WAY you can call that the high/low with just that indicator!

I won't even start on the fact that over the course of each candle, the MACD and S/R indicator will change after the event should traders decide to continue moving the market in the original direction after all.

Gorgeous in hindsight though!

I don't use the the highs and lows to exit. I just showed some examples of were you could have exited or the potential of profit. Your exit strategy has to be what fits you.

My personal stop loss works a few ways. Depending on what happens with the trade.

If its 5pm-6pm EST I usualy close half my trade at 15,30,45 pips and ride the rest tell I get to the opposite directional set up. I just see how choppy it might be and that tells me were I want to sell half the trade.

If its choppy then I usually sell half at 10 pips and set a stop loss at 10 pips. My take profit is 30 pips or opposite directional set up.

If its the middle of the day I use 30 pip take profit and 15 pip stop loss.

You will get the idea after a few days of watching this live.

You will also find that there are better times to trade for better profits and you won't mind staying out of the bad trading times.

There are no hard and fast rules to money management. Learn to make up different rules as you see the flow of the Forex. Each time day and season has its time and place for different rules.

I included a trade I just took with 15 pips profit.

Use the setting for the MacD I recomend and watch the set up. You will see how easy it is to trade.



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Each to their own and if it works for you, fine.

I don't use the the highs and lows to exit. I just showed some examples of were you could have exited or the potential of profit. Your exit strategy has to be what fits you.

My personal stop loss works a few ways. Depending on what happens with the trade.

If its 5pm-6pm EST I usualy close half my trade at 15,30,45 pips and ride the rest tell I get to the opposite directional set up. I just see how choppy it might be and that tells me were I want to sell half the trade.

If its choppy then I usually sell half at 10 pips and set a stop loss at 10 pips. My take profit is 30 pips or opposite directional set up.

If its the middle of the day I use 30 pip take profit and 15 pip stop loss.

Again, if it works for you, fine.

You will get the idea after a few days of watching this live.

I'll pass, but thanks.

You will also find that there are better times to trade for better profits and you won't mind staying out of the bad trading times.

There are no bad times to trade, just bad traders who don't know how to manage trades.

There are no hard and fast rules to money management. Learn to make up different rules as you see the flow of the Forex. Each time day and season has its time and place for different rules.

No there aren't, this is true.

I included a trade I just took with 15 pips profit.

Use the setting for the MacD I recommend and watch the set up. You will see how easy it is to trade.


I know how easy it is, but thanks again.

Just to clarify then, the exits on the charts are hindsight 'if onlys' and, of course, the MacD I assume gives no false signals?
Each to their own and if it works for you, fine.

Again, if it works for you, fine.

I'll pass, but thanks.

There are no bad times to trade, just bad traders who don't know how to manage trades.

No there aren't, this is true.

I know how easy it is, but thanks again.

Just to clarify then, the exits on the charts are hindsight 'if onlys' and, of course, the MacD I assume gives no false signals?


If you were simply going to pass you would have read this and move on. I think you wanted to just take every word I said and make a comment. Not impressed at all. Let me guess you've been in this forum for along time and you are all knowing and wise. You made comments like you know everything.

I simply said you will find with this type of trading set up that there are better times to trade. I was not saying that as a whole.

This has been very successful for me and I just wanted to share. I did not know there were senior member know it alls that came in and belittled everything one says. Good to know for the future.

Lets just make a thread that says I know it all don't start your own thread. Inside it reads God made me the best at trading if you think you know anything I will come in and tell you your wrong line by line. If you say anything back to my comments then I will come back and figure out the best way to make you look wrong again.

If you are not going to try the trade or even demo it before you tell me your results then don't comment.

I love Senior Member

The benefit of senior members is they can offer feedback on something they have seen before.

Like I said, if it works for you fine, but having tried pretty much everything up till now, I'm just pointing out possible flaws for yours and others benefits.

If you didn't want feedback, keep it to yourself and get rich.


If you were simply going to pass you would have read this and move on. I think you wanted to just take every word I said and make a comment. Not impressed at all. Let me guess you've been in this forum for along time and you are all knowing and wise. You made comments like you know everything.

I simply said you will find with this type of trading set up that there are better times to trade. I was not saying that as a whole.

This has been very successful for me and I just wanted to share. I did not know there were senior member know it alls that came in and belittled everything one says. Good to know for the future.

Lets just make a thread that says I know it all don't start your own thread. Inside it reads God made me the best at trading if you think you know anything I will come in and tell you your wrong line by line. If you say anything back to my comments then I will come back and figure out the best way to make you look wrong again.

If you are not going to try the trade or even demo it before you tell me your results then don't comment.

I love Senior Member

The benefit of senior members is they can offer feedback on something they have seen before.

Like I said, if it works for you fine, but having tried pretty much everything up till now, I'm just pointing out possible flaws for yours and others benefits.

If you didn't want feedback, keep it to yourself and get rich.

Like I said

"God made me the best at trading if you think you know anything I will come in and tell you your wrong line by line. If you say anything back to my comments then I will come back and figure out the best way to make you look wrong again.

If you are not going to try the trade or even demo it before you tell me your results then don't comment."Sense you have tried everything then you must be rich and you must have the exact set up and money management and everything must be broken.

So predictable. I should trade you. I would be rich.

YouTube - Brian Regan - I Walked on the Moon - Dinner Party

Watch this and start with saying "having tried pretty much everything up till now" as you watch. aka Me Monster
Another Profitable trde

Here is another profitable trade. 30 pips and could still move up but I'm out. I did not wait for any highs.


P.S. It just jumped up even more as I'm typing this.


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Ho Joe,
Welcome to T2W!
Don't worry about wasp, he's a good bloke really, you'll come to like him in due course!
Nice clean charts and clearly annotated as well. This will sound like it's a bit of a back handed compliment, but because you did such a good job, any omissions stood out like a sore thumb. Certainly, when I first looked at the charts, my first thought was exactly the same as wasp's re. exits. Be that as it may, I have a couple of questions:
1. Am I right in thinking that the TRO indicator just marks up the swing highs and lows in the pretty blue and red diamonds and, therefore, isn't strictly necessary?
2. Is there any particular significance to the MACD settings - or are they just something that you've arrived at through trial and error?
Ho Joe,
Welcome to T2W!
Don't worry about wasp, he's a good bloke really, you'll come to like him in due course!
Nice clean charts and clearly annotated as well. This will sound like it's a bit of a back handed compliment, but because you did such a good job, any omissions stood out like a sore thumb. Certainly, when I first looked at the charts, my first thought was exactly the same as wasp's re. exits. Be that as it may, I have a couple of questions:
1. Am I right in thinking that the TRO indicator just marks up the swing highs and lows in the pretty blue and red diamonds and, therefore, isn't strictly necessary?
2. Is there any particular significance to the MACD settings - or are they just something that you've arrived at through trial and error?


Yes you are right Tro Indicator were you see the number 3 just shows the highs and lows. It should not be there. I just have it on there but it does not make a difference in when I make a trade.

The other Indicator gives support and resistance. TRO coded a great traders support and resistance. MP is who he goes by. It draws support and resistance live for you so you don't have to do it yourself and yes it can change but not very often.

MacD settings: I came across that setting from another persons system. I notice the correlation and how well the 2 worked together by trying different things. So no particular signifigance other then 11,12,11 works brilliantly with the the S/R TRO Indicator.

Thanks for the civil comments,

This set up is simply support and resistance trades. You can use pin bars and Inside bars etc to enter exit. Throw away your macd etc indicators since they are only useful for hindsight .
Good luck
This set up is simply support and resistance trades. You can use pin bars and Inside bars etc to enter exit. Throw away your macd etc indicators since they are only useful for hindsight .
Good luck

Yes this is simply support and resistance. I understand that are lagging as are most indicators do. I use it to help me stay out of small support and resistance trading. Helps give me an overall feel of the direction as well as when my bigger moves are going to take place by having a reversal.

If your going to make a comment like Throw it away then please by all means show a picture and explain yourself. You might even want to give an example with pin bars and inside bars etc.

Please help improve this trade by showing examples.

Pin Bars etc

Yes this is simply support and resistance. I understand that are lagging as are most indicators do. I use it to help me stay out of small support and resistance trading. Helps give me an overall feel of the direction as well as when my bigger moves are going to take place by having a reversal.

If your going to make a comment like Throw it away then please by all means show a picture and explain yourself. You might even want to give an example with pin bars and inside bars etc.

Please help improve this trade by showing examples.


Your written message above pictures you as a rude, ungrateful and arguementative person. However, I feel that maybe it is your poor command of the English language that paints this rather negative picture of yourself. So, having given you the benefit of the doubt and thus assuming you are genuinely seeking knowledge, I attach some links (below) for you to peruse and thereby increase your growing store of trading knowledge.

The first link relates to Trader Dantes thread. The remaining threads are ones that I have gathered together over a period of time and posted on Trade2Win.
Happy reading and less of the damaged ego response everytime someone doesn't agree with you.

james16 Chart Thread

No Brainer Trades

Jacko's Forex House of Pleasure and Pain

and if you practice a lot:

Shakesfx Journal. Scalping the pip outta it...

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Another Live Trade

Here is another live trade.

Shows were I took the trade and exited.



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Hi Joe,
Sorry, your entry isn't entirely clear on the chart, although I assume it's in the region of price moving above resistance - and MACD confirming by moving up too - and closing on the virtical line?
Anyway, how long have you been trading this strategy and are you using a live account or just funny money?
Hi Joe,
Sorry, your entry isn't entirely clear on the chart, although I assume it's in the region of price moving above resistance - and MACD confirming by moving up too - and closing on the virtical line?
Anyway, how long have you been trading this strategy and are you using a live account or just funny money?


Always good to hear from you.

Sorry I'm not very clear. There are two things you can do. 1- Moving above resistance 2- candle closing above resistance. Number 2 is the safest way. In the higher time frames say 1hr I would go with the 1st and wait tell it moves above, then go to a lower time frame and find a entry there.

I've been trading for years now. The above example of one of my last trades shows a live account. I always practice new trading ideas in demo accounts but this trade I do live.
