Not this particular one, but the type is familiar. We used to have them, years ago, on All Saints Road here in the 'hood. Called crack dealers. Give you a nice feel, but you develop dependencies and lose money.
All Saints Road has been cleaned up now, and this fella would have been worth listening to if he had predicted that eur-usd would touch 1.56 today. However, he's (or she's, sorry Rachael) off the mark by about 80 pips. And that's just the beginning. Compare the projections to the actuals today, and it's clear that this is a low-level dealer who is selling the stuff to fund his own addiction. So stay away.
On a more sober note, not very clever to put out the marketing material day before NFP... 😏
The link to the forex signal projections cannot be opened.. but I guess they must be doing some revamp or sth like that? Anyway.. its no harm trying i suppose....the road to success is to try new things and SEE if it works.