Mcdaddy trading software


Hi there i would like your thoughts on the mike baghdady course and software if anyone has any views or personal experiences please do let me know thanks.
Hi there i would like your thoughts on the mike baghdady course and software if anyone has any views or personal experiences please do let me know thanks.

I would point you to the many threads on t2w that expose them as extremely suspect, especially in their marketing of themselves...however they have all been deleted by t2w.


i didnt start this thread to market his course.... i would just like to know what it's like and people's opinions on the subject as i'm planning on attending the workshop. Also if any people use his mac daddy software would be able to tell me how accurate the win to loss ratio is. As a newbie i'm still learning and do appreciate any input..


Think about things logically, win-loss ratio can be very deceiving.

Most will think a 90% success rate is almost perfect whereas 10% success ratio is totally useless.

But the 10% trader might make fortunes whereas the 90% one loses big.

Can you work out why?
i didnt start this thread to market his course.... i would just like to know what it's like and people's opinions on the subject as i'm planning on attending the workshop. Also if any people use his mac daddy software would be able to tell me how accurate the win to loss ratio is. As a newbie i'm still learning and do appreciate any input..



There was a lot of information here but it was deleted after legal threats from Baghdady. There's no point in saying any more here as it will end up being deleted. Check your private messages after a while.
I am posting this without comment.

Applicants for veteran trader Mike Baghdady's 'New Turtles Trading' programme heard a talk outlining his motivations and trading experiences before sitting an elaborate test designed to identify seven key characteristics in the respondents.

The test – which will be offered to everyone who applied for the apprenticeships - features true or false questions and a range of open questions covering personality and character. It is broadly designed to cover existing knowledge of and attitudes towards trading as well as giving clues to an individual’s personality traits.

However, Baghdady stressed that prior knowledge about trading was not required to be considered for selection, and that in any case, those chosen would be required to forget everything they'd ever learnt about trading, if picked.

Alex Dale, 18, a Sales Executive from Shropshire said he came to the event after reading about the programme in the press.

"It took me two hours on the train to come here, and my employer warned me that if I missed work, they'd fire me; but I feel I can do something much bigger than I'm doing at the moment, and this could well be it," he said.

Baghdady's bold recreation of veteran Chi c a g o trader Richard Dennis' trading experiment in the 80s received over 8,000 applications before the deadline closed in December.
Hi there i would like your thoughts on the mike baghdady course and software if anyone has any views or personal experiences please do let me know thanks.

can I have a Mcflurry with any order over $1,000 ? 😛

The shocking thing is he is regularly giving webinars on!
These poor kids follow him everywhere and they totaly understand that his system is secret and he cant tell you how the buy and sell signals appear that make him millions all the time!
Its really a tragic whats happening to them, guess most of them arent even 18.
The shocking thing is he is regularly giving webinars on!
These poor kids follow him everywhere and they totaly understand that his system is secret and he cant tell you how the buy and sell signals appear that make him millions all the time!
Its really a tragic whats happening to them, guess most of them arent even 18.

You're right it's tragic, having said that it seems some people are starting to see through it. Apparently only half of those invited turned up for the 'test' for the new turtle traders. Some talk about the office not being as it appeared on the website and the 'test' being taken from some textbook. Seems they're dragging this out as long as they can.
There are many softwares systems which can intelligently make timely decision automatically based on the Forex trading.As Forex trading system has become so complex so that these are developed to take control your business 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.It makes the trading more efficient and more risk resistant.
There are many softwares systems which can intelligently make timely decision automatically based on the Forex trading.As Forex trading system has become so complex so that these are developed to take control your business 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.It makes the trading more efficient and more risk resistant.

How appopriate you should chose this thread to post your property scam.
I have used the software. Its useless. One cannot make money consistently day trading every day and especially not forex as its extremely volatile. Position trading forex provided a trend exists in a pair can be profitable route for example now days when dollar is clearly very weak and eur is getting stronger. Playing markets when they are trending is what profitable trading is all about.
I have used the software. Its useless. One cannot make money consistently day trading every day and especially not forex as its extremely volatile. Position trading forex provided a trend exists in a pair can be profitable route for example now days when dollar is clearly very weak and eur is getting stronger. Playing markets when they are trending is what profitable trading is all about.

Safvan do you have a copy of the software?
the course is useful i use it and with some success you can find it online just search hard enough, i thinkits better than most courses available but the price is prohibitive. with google all things are possible