Mr Stone - Binary Trading

Mr Stone

Active member
Hi everyone,

Still working out what I can and can't post in this forum, sorry to anyone I got angry for including links when I shouldn't have, truly honest noobie forum mistake 🙂

Anyway, I am a broker, running a binary trading platform.
I would like to connect to any binary or other traders out there and discuss trading strategy, news, analysis and the rest with the aim of improving my own knowledge and I hope encouraging others to improve theirs also.

Any feedback welcome, if it is ok to do so I am happy to post up some of my trading with Binary to show where I personally get it right or wrong. Also I will encourage any clients I have to check out the thread here and join in where wanted.

Again i really hope this post is ok to be up like this, not sure about the rules of a broker posting etc...again advice is welcome on whats good/not good to do.

Most of all, I love to trade, to talk about the markets and essentially banter about anything financial 🙂 Please connect and lets get a good thread rolling. I attached some closed trades from last week on GOLD to show how good it can be if you get it right! Looking forward to hearing from you traders out there.

Mr Stone


  • winning trades.png
    winning trades.png
    103 KB · Views: 1,190
Any chance you will do this in real time.we can all show balance sheets after the event.Please dont maon about my negative comments.etc, are making claims and all Im asking is you back them up.Good luck
Hi Flashheart, the trades I am making are on my own platform so obviously demo funds and not real cash at stake. I can say however even though they are demo funds, I am running them on the real live platform, so even though I am not pocketing the profits, or feeling any loss, at least the trades themselves are real for all intensive purposes 🙂

I am more than happy to try and do what you are asking, again I am a bit of a noobie in terms of how to post stuff. How can I show you in real time when I trade or after? Give me some advice to follow so I can do it please.

Mr Stone
When you take a trade please post the entry price and what the option is.Those that are serious will take a look at the platform and try to follow.Please update afterwards as to the result.
Hi again,

Yes 100% that would be really easy to do and a pleasure 🙂
The only thing is on 60 second trades the info is pretty much defunct by the time I post, but for the longer trades it will work just fine.

I will be getting some trades out a bit later and I will share.

Mr Stone

My feeling is we are a bit fed up with this static 1.29500 price that we have had for a while now.
Just placed a trade;

$1000 CALL - Entry price 1.29473 to expire at 16:30 GMT

I am going to be placing a few trades, all CALL's on EUR/USD for the next hour or so, my view is while I still have the price below 1.29500 they should be good by expiry. I will keep you guys posted.

Mr Stone

My feeling is we are a bit fed up with this static 1.29500 price that we have had for a while now.
Just placed a trade;

$1000 CALL - Entry price 1.29473 to expire at 16:30 GMT

I am going to be placing a few trades, all CALL's on EUR/USD for the next hour or so, my view is while I still have the price below 1.29500 they should be good by expiry. I will keep you guys posted.

Mr Stone

Hi Thanks for posting. Can you give details about how this particular option was priced? What the premium was, the strike price, the profit etc? What would happen if within that time period the market went heavily against you, but returned into profit before expiry?
Hi BGates thanks for the reply.

The option price was what was listed on my platform GOptions.
The entry price for the trades and all the info, including expiry times I put in a link just before, click on the link to see the image of my account showing all the trade info.

So far is good 🙂 I will be posting full results in another 15 mins or so, I also took a cheeky $1000 on a CALL on Gold for good measure 🙂

15-20 mins I will be posting all the results from the trades you see in the image posted above.

Mr Stone

So my GOLD trade I took at the end will expiry tomorrow, I took a CALL and a price of $1736200 it should be fine.

Overall from 3 trades I made just now, $1000 a trade on the EUR/USD I won 2/3
The price took a sharp downward trend just before this new hour so I lost the last trade. However, what a perfect time to continue with calls a little bit more long term! I strongly suggest an expiry of 1-2 hours on EUR/USD now with some heavy calls!

Here are my results as promised (I edited this post twice as the link kept going weird, if the link below has anything after the word hosting just copy and paste it up to the word hosting into the browser and it should work fine);
Last edited:
What happens if between now and tomorrows expiry on gold the price goes drastically against you but falls back before expiry to a profit? Is your loss still fixed or will the position get stopped out before expiry?
What happens if between now and tomorrows expiry on gold the price goes drastically against you but falls back before expiry to a profit? Is your loss still fixed or will the position get stopped out before expiry?

Hi Billy,

No my expiry is set to 5pm GMT tomorrow. As long as the gold price finishes above $1736.250 I will win.

With Binary trading when you make a trade that is the max you can lose, if you win the trade you are already told the payout percentage ahead of time so you know what you will make if you win. At goptions the platform i run you can choose whatever expiry suits you, 60 seconds, 10mins/15mins/30mins/hourly/daily even weekly.

Mr Stone
So guys been a long long day! 🙂

Really pleased this thread stayed up, it would have been even better if more of you wrote a comment or question or two, feedback of anykind is always welcome.

Winning 6/7 trades is not impossible to do, I am a firm believer that with the right approach and guidlines any one of you could reach that magic number of 54% wins and above...Winning 2/3 trades with binary can earn you up to 30%+ profit a month, if not more.

It is not by any means the only trading product in the world but it is the one that I have dedicated the last four and a half years of my life to and personally really I love it 🙂

Anyway, going to get some beauty sleep, please click on the images I put up to see any and all info on the trades I showed you today (real trades, before and after info). Looking forward to hearing from more of you this week and of course best of luck trading to everyone reading.

Mr Stone

Even the most handsome need beauty sleep you know...
Didn't get much sleep at all 🙂

I hope you guys are ready for another day, I will be hitting the EUR/USD once again with some big positions Binary Style. I will post up the positions as I take them to keep you guys in the loop.

Mr Stone
Mr. Stone
are you regulated by the FSA / another body / or the Gambling Commission?
What would be a good play for a EURUSD binary bet and trading the outright pair together?
Hi Pear,

No we are not regulated or licensed at this time by any entity.
I have a personal strategy that I like to tweak and use especially for EUR/USD, check it out below, just remember it is not perfect and neither am I 🙂

Key Strategic Points
Using support and resistance lines
Using technical indicators
Using the current trend
Using instinct
Instinct in my eyes is the key. It is like buying a house, if you logically look at all the aspects as to why you buy a house, then you are left with many many factors that will determine as you logically work through them if you buy the house or not. My question is, even if the house ticks all the right logical boxes (location, size, cost, area etc) will it make you happy? The real truth is only an instinctive judgement call will give you that answer. Trading, is so similar. We as traders logically add indicators, work out trends, use technical analysis and so on but again even if all those logical steps are done we are not guaranteed a single happy result. So, what is my advice?

Feel the trend and movement, ask yourself if you feel it is up or down. Follow that instinct because even if you lose the trade you can be happy in the knowledge that your feeling guided you. The way to improve is simple. Dissect any losing trade and work out what could have made it a winner! Most of the time it is timing or trade amounts/frequency of trades that do us in, not the instinctive feeling. Most people have no problem winning trades, it is the personal management that lets most down by getting too excited and making the wrong choices on amounts per trade and amounts of trades. Trust your instincts and work on improving!

At this point I would like to share a baby of mine that is still “work in progress”.

All my trading career I have been looking and running after the “toaster/microwave” style trading cures or “strategies” that could help me achieve profits and good stable trading results.

The following strategy I designed personally as a “toaster” style solution. The main aim was to create a simple step plan in order to place a trade at any time, based on trading an hourly High/Low binary option. Check it out, test it out, use it, abuse it! Do whatever you like with it, I can tell you personally that it has just started to work well for me over the last 3 months or so and I do plan to keep tweaking it and using it moving forwards.

Pick an asset paying 80% – 85%
Go back on the charting (using the PRO Trader feature left and right time arrows) to four hours previous (not including current hour)
Write in one line the highest price, per hour. Underneath line of four numbers do the same with the lowest price, per hour.

You should end up with something looking like this;

EUR/USD Example
1.29000 | 1.29125 | 1.29450 | 1.29725
1.28870 | 1.28900 | 1.29150 | 1.29250

Now you can see the overall trend by looking left to right. The trend will either be an upwards/downwards/sideways
I strongly advise here to get the average high and low price using the following formula (total prices added together divided by amount of hours)
Now we make a prediction for the hour ahead based on the last hour high and low + any economic factors to come (economic calendar and news) + our average high and low price (the average prices being used purely as an anchor in our minds as to how strong the movement has been along with the average prices as the asset has moved in it’s most recent history).
If the asset has been moving up, I am placing “CALL” trades only, basing my decision on overall direction for that movement on the last few hours movement alone (that’s right, no indicators or extra charting etc). From there I target an entry price for my “CALL” based solely on the last hours price. My reasoning is that by getting as close to the last hours low price as possible (taking into consideration that the asset has been moving up in price and the next “low” price should be above the last hours low price), that I will have minimal risk involved, and obviously if the damn thing keeps moving up my trade is priced in at the best possible level.

For an downward trending asset, I do the same only in reverse. I am making “PUT” trades only and basing it on the last hours “high” price!

Now for a sideways moving asset (something static/non moving) there is in my mind only one way to trade it. Wait as long as you can in the hour (until just before the cut off point to make a trade) and attempt to target the highest/lowest price you can see, that fits into the last few hours prices. So for example, if the EUR/USD has been sticking at 1.31200 for the last few hours, I will attempt to “CALL” at 1.31150 and below, or attempt to “PUT” at 1.31250 and above.

In terms of amount of trades. The best results I have seen have come from trading just 3 trades in a trading session of 1-2 hours.
This limits a lot of negative factors involved in trading and also means we can directly see our win/loss ratio clearly along with any mistakes we have made!

Aim for 2/3 wins and you will achieve 66% win/loss ratio, more than enough for a nice layer of profit. Average out better than that and you are laughing all the way to the bank!
I didn't get any trades out yesterday sorry about that guys 🙂 I will be posting up some trades later I promise 🙂