From Junior Broker To Trader ?


Hi All,

Im 17 years old, currently studying my a-levels in DipFs (Diploma in Financial Studies) Oracle (Programming&SQL) and ICT,

I work 1 day a week for a firm in London as a junior broker, mainly dealing with the Carbon credit/renewable energy market. I only do this so i can put some experience or something decent on my CV.

Im mainly just cold calling people (200+ calls a day). Although the rewards are there when I open an account(which is rare), in the back of my mind I know the closers are taking a better share than me, and i done the hard work!!!

I feel I would be better suited to trading, ive always been attracted to it, might sound silly but even just through virtual trading games/apps I get the buzz of making a few grand.

If would appreciate if anyone could give me some advice on how to get into a trainee trader role, even if its just a tea boy for them!!

I know my age plays a big factor into it, and ive constantly been told by people im a young one in the game, but Im sure i know just as much as some graduates!!!

Thanks, Replies would be appreciated
Go to uni, have fun, get a 1st in a decent subject, then it'll be a cake walk.
It seems you have a good attitude in that you will do anything, even things that others might call "ordinary".
Something good will come your way.
It seems you have a good attitude in that you will do anything, even things that others might call "ordinary".
Something good will come your way.

I dont mind being being used and abused as long as I know the opportunity will be there especially within a reputable firm to climb the ranks, but with many firms out there just wanting to pay you with no basic, and just on commission with no training.
If you feel that trading is most suited for you then you learn it by demo account.

I do have a demo account, but im looking to get into employment within this sector, but have never come across a job advert for trading, just so called trader programs in which you pay £4000+ to attend, they teach you the basics and you work off your own back :/
I was just like you 4 years ago, without the experience at such an early age so good job on that. Still pursuing my dream, at currently at University studying an analytical subject. What I recommend is continue the junior broking and the online trading programmes. However there are some firms out there that do take on college students during their A-Levels, so have a look into that. Try and get into a Russell Group uni and study either Maths, Economics, Physics, F&A, Law or Engineering; ideally the first two combined. Apply for spring weeks in your first year and subsequently internships in your penultimate year. Achieving a 2.1 or 1st class after this should make it very easy to walk into a Trading role at a top IB or Boutique Bank. Good luck!
CHILDS94, I was in a similar position as you, I was doing my A-Levels and my ambition was to become a trader. My friends company offered offered courses on trading all financial markets for beginners or traders with experience. I completed the course in September and started full-time trading in February! If you would like any information about the company I did the course with let me know.
CHILDS94, I was in a similar position as you, I was doing my A-Levels and my ambition was to become a trader. My friends company offered offered courses on trading all financial markets for beginners or traders with experience. I completed the course in September and started full-time trading in February! If you would like any information about the company I did the course with let me know.

any fees for the course?
or is it similar to the so called trader programs in which you pay £4000+ to attend, they teach you the basics and you work off your own back ?