Starting options house with 1K?


Junior member
So ive been virtally trading/reading blogs/ books for 6 years now. Im 19 years old i know im a little behind financially but o well i have to control what is now/ Im starting with 1K and will contrbute 1500 more by year end and 2500-5000 next year i will basically trade stocks/options then possibly open a futures account with 1K at ec ry. Im ready and want to become a prop trader right after college. I need to return 60-100% a year which i know i can do but ill have to take extra risk which is fine because im young right now but im going to trade technically and cut my losses As soon as i outline before each entry. I will let profits run until there is reason to exit the trade ill be a swing trader.. Does my plan sound good?
Does my plan sound good?

The only way to know is to do it with your own money.

Every successful trading system is make up of a successful strategy and a competent trader. Only doing it will reveal if you are the weak link or the strong link.