Alpha Judge vs Market Geometry


I don’t post on the forums very often but I read a review on Alpha Judge recently slating Market Geometry. I posted my response to the site but for some reason they didn’t want to post it (not sure why….)
Anyway in order to circumvent an apparent act of censorship, I’m posting here for anybody who may be interested.

I have been at MG for over 2 years and I don’t share any of these views. Firstly learning to trade is an individual exercise and a gradual one. If you are looking for the “learn to trade” in 3 easy steps, the site isn’t for you. It’s an unpleasant truth but learning to trade requires lots of effort and probably going over the same old ground, time and time again, until things start to make sense and you embrace what needs to be done to be consistently profitable. The point is you have to find a method which works for you and parameters which you can execute in a manner which becomes second nature. Shane and Tim support you through that “entire” process (it’s about learning, as well as teaching) which is all I have ever sought.

Just my views – do your own research and make your own decisions. (Disclaimer: I have no interest in MG other than being a student)

All the best for 2014 to you all
i agree with majormagnum that coghlan capital is worth a look. having both tried mg and cc personally i would recommend cc over mg because you get a signals service on top of all the education.

also overall paul coghlan is just a much better teacher than tim morge. and the method taught by cc is different and in my opinion more effective...
Ashley trader you have a link to alpha judge on your site and your charts are identical to coughlan charts. Wow that's some coincidence. I personally wouldn't draw a comparison between mg and cc neither are bad but comparing morge with coghlan is like steak versus Big Mac.