Rest assured I wont be asking for any tips. I post most of my trades live.:smart:I just have a bug to bear with people claiming profits and posting charts after the event,theres very little point. Perhaps you would explain more about your methods,that way you may get sme,credibility.
Hi LF,
I've noticed - along with many other members no doubt, that you always make this point on any thread where a member posts historical trades and charts. IMO, it doesn't make a jot of difference if the system is useless and the member that posts it loses money hand over fist - even if they claim the opposite. Take two extremes:
Trader No.1
A member who does as you wish and calls live trades in advance and then, just for good measure, provides audited broker statements to prove they actually took the trades themselves. They're making the kind of money most of us only ever dream of.
Trader No.2
A member posts trades after the event but, as Xenophobia has kindly done here, provides a comprehensive explanation of their strategy / system. Let's say that Trader No.2 in this example is a complete fraud (not Xen', obviously!) They've never taken a live trade, they've only paper traded the system and their account is showing a large loss - even though they claim to be profitable.
Now, on paper, trader No.1 is great and everyone would do well to copy them, while trader No.2 should be avoided like the plague. Not so. Here's why . . .
As everyone knows, trading someone else's strategy is MUCH harder than trading one you've devised yourself. I'm willing to bet that 100 members could try to copy the strat' Xen' outlines here and none of them will achieve the same results as him. Sure, they might make a bit more on the occasional trade - or lose a little less - but, over the course of a week or more, they won't do as well as Xen'. Many will fail completely to make any headway with the strat' whatsoever.
The same ones that fail with Xen's strat' could try trader No.2's strat' and get much better results than s/he does. The bottom line is that it's how each person interprets and implements these strat's that matters. The results that Xen' gets with his strat' bears no relation whatsoever to the results that you or I might get. So, there is nothing of particular value to be gained from posting advance calls. It's the reasoning behind the methodology that really matters and whether it sets off a :idea: in the minds of those that read it. So, all ideas that are well thought out and clearly explained have value, and the members who take the time to post them should be commended for their contribution and not criticised for failing to post live calls in advance.
Rant over!