Tony Griffith said:They also want to buy my ATS stock. Am enquiring through Philadelphia Chamber of commerce.Will let you know if I hear anything
I strongly recommend that you discuss this with the following contacts, as there is some doubt as to whether Marlton Associates are legitimate (i.e. who they say they are, despite their apparent company registration):-
a) "U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission"
b) your normal contact in Oxbridge International (assuming they sold you the stock, being the only registered authority to sell such stock outside of the US)
I concluded that it was not a safe transaction, even though the price offered by Marlton was good, and I thus continue to hold my ATS stock.
For instance, the guy in the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission confirmed that it only costs a few dollars to raise the Reg. S restriction - not the larger amounts claimed by Marlton.
You might also care to contact ATS Specialists themselves, as they have not authorised or are supportive of these approaches by Marlton - and the ATS CEO personally confirmed to me that there is no way that any third party could gain a majority shareholding (ahead of the directors and other insiders). Another ATS director told me the company was extremely busy, which I took to be positive whilst awaiting further news via their web site.
Marlton Associates, who seem to have got hold of the list of authorised ATS stock holders, first approached me at the beginning of February - stating that they would obtain the majority share holding sought for their "European client" within days; then a couple of weeks later in "just a week or two" - but it seems that two months later they are still trying to pick up stock.
It seems to me that the ATS Specialists stock is becoming more valuable, and certain organisations are trying to buy them "on the cheap" at present; assuming this isn't just a scam to take up-front payments from us. N.B. I was asked to place a large fee with Marlton's ESCROW agent against the chance I might not proceed, to cover their Reg. S restriction removal costs and their sale contract costs - which both in my mind should be pretty standard and much lower cost than Marlton indicated.
Hope this helps... please keep me informed.
Come on guys, you must know you're being set up for the double con?
You all bought shares in a non existant company from an unregulated firm, Oxbridge, which the FSA has a public warnning notice about them. Now you're being asked to stump up more upfront cash to sell them to another unregulated boiler room Marlton Associates.
My advice is to ring the FSA and get there opinion.c ome on, wake up!!
Hi - I too hold far too many ATS shares, with certificates, and worry about my investment, despite the checks I made that ATS did have ongoing contracts with at least some of the clients they listed in their news.
I do know that ATS Specialists had US based 'legal council' and capital advisory support whilst they were using Oxbridge to gain foreign investors and hoping to break into the US market, and I am pressing these contacts to get answers/feedback from ATS which should help all their investors.
It is particularly worrying that ATS seem to have returned from Florida to their offices in Israel without leaving telephone nos with people to call, email addresses that work (i.e. mailbox isn't full) and any updates on their authorised web site.
The last quote I have, from Daniel Greenberg the COO of ATS, copied below, is positive (or at least hopeful) but I've heard no more since May. Clearly the financial situation globally isn't helping, but if the company continues to operate then they do have an obligation to their long suffering shareholders even if, as a private company, they have no legal requirements to honour in terms of the material they have to present.
I am very busy in a very big project and towards conclusion of the
agreements that I believe will happen in 2 3 weeks! By the signature of the
agreements ATS will be more big and strong!
Talk with me in another two weeks; I am 99% of my time between Europe to
I hope & pray that we might, one day, get our investment money back - any money beyond that would be a welcome bonus...
Best wishes & sympathy for the position we've been put in...
Hi - I too hold far too many ATS shares, with certificates, and worry about my investment, despite the checks I made that ATS did have ongoing contracts with at least some of the clients they listed in their news.
I do know that ATS Specialists had US based 'legal council' and capital advisory support whilst they were using Oxbridge to gain foreign investors and hoping to break into the US market, and I am pressing these contacts to get answers/feedback from ATS which should help all their investors.
It is particularly worrying that ATS seem to have returned from Florida to their offices in Israel without leaving telephone nos with people to call, email addresses that work (i.e. mailbox isn't full) and any updates on their authorised web site.
The last quote I have, from Daniel Greenberg the COO of ATS, copied below, is positive (or at least hopeful) but I've heard no more since May. Clearly the financial situation globally isn't helping, but if the company continues to operate then they do have an obligation to their long suffering shareholders even if, as a private company, they have no legal requirements to honour in terms of the material they have to present.
I am very busy in a very big project and towards conclusion of the
agreements that I believe will happen in 2 3 weeks! By the signature of the
agreements ATS will be more big and strong!
Talk with me in another two weeks; I am 99% of my time between Europe to
I hope & pray that we might, one day, get our investment money back - any money beyond that would be a welcome bonus...
Best wishes & sympathy for the position we've been put in...
Hello What a lovely gentleman, thank you for the information. I wonder where in Israel they have gone to and why no new address or contact numbers. I have spoken to Mr Daniel Greenberg in 2006 and he spoke pretty good English not like the note you have forwarded. Ah! never mind. How are you going to speak again?? Was it an e.mail that Daniel Greenberg sent you? I know you are going to think I'm mad but I bought a book that said if you have something worrying you talk to your Angels and I did. I found your thread and here I have my answer. Shame I didn't do this before we invested our money.😀
I hope too we at least get our money back with a little interest. My husband is the only one that is not loosing sleep over this.😡 Thank you again and God bless Try your Angels Scorpio xx
Guys as PualoP says you'e all beiing setup for the good old double con.
ATS shares are WORTHLESS. The scammers that sold you them in the first place knew this and they now know that you're all desperate to get some or all of your money back.
So what do they do, simple, they try and entice you with offers of great profits, just as they did when they initially sold you the shares. The people calling you now are THE SAME scammers that sold you the shares in the first place, or people connected to them anyway.
This is what will happen if you do business with them, it's very very simple so please pay attention.
You'll be asked for a sum of money which will be needed to pay for a 'bond' or a 'release fee', basically anything that sounds semi plausible. Then what will happen is that you'll pay the money, then that money will AGAIN BE STOLEN from you and the scammers will disappear again, just as they did when they sold you the shares in the first place.
WAKE UP and please learn from your mistakes. Strangers that call you, who are no doubt very charming and 'on your side' are low life thieves that know you are desperate to get back your losses so play to the inherent greed that's within all of us.
Pay money and it will be stolen, if you do then sorry but you only have yourselves to blame.
PS. Have you checked out when these 'companies' websites were first registered, bet they were within the last year - check them out here Whois lookup and Domain name search
Good luck, but again if you pay money to them, nobody here is going to have any sympathy for you when it's stolen again............
I don't know anything about Marlton and their Escrow account. They wont be extracting any money out of me ever again...
Scorps, you don't really need to know anything about marlton and their escrow account, or any escrow account really apart from they're ALL scams.
Look after yourself and always check onthis board if you're EVER unsure about ANYTHING, however stupid you think the question is because THERE ARE NO STUPID QUESTIONS when money is involved.
We'd all much rather someone makes a fool of themselves (or thinks they are) and risk no money rather than be unsure and then find out it's too late.
We're ALL on everyone's side, even if sometime I and other posters seem a little hard - just being cruel to be kind 🙂
PS. If you get called by any company again in relation to shares or escrows etc, just get the company name AND website and then report it here. Threads on this board are very quick to be picked up by Google (usually within 1-2 days) so the more we write about the scammers the more we can try and help people, ie STOP them investing because hopefully they'll do a bit of googling and find us all talking about said boiler rooms.
I did some digging on the Florida Chamber of Commerce and found: - Department of State
ATS Specialists was dissolved in 2006. Your shares are unfortunately worthless. I hope this brings some closure to your plight.[/QUOTE
Hello thank you so much for so kindly taking the trouble for checking this out. It's comforting to know that there are people like you in this world. Sadly there are also the other kind that have so heartlessly ripped us off. I can just see them laughing with every deal they clinched. How wicked is that. Well of course it is a lesson learnt. It was only £40,000 Ouch!! As Lee Shepherd advised me to do.... I will now move on. God bless Scorpio11 😢
The last quote I have, from Daniel Greenberg the COO of ATS, copied below, is positive (or at least hopeful) but I've heard no more since May. Clearly the financial situation globally isn't helping, but if the company continues to operate then they do have an obligation to their long suffering shareholders even if, as a private company, they have no legal requirements to honour in terms of the material they have to present.
I am very busy in a very big project and towards conclusion of the
agreements that I believe will happen in 2 3 weeks! By the signature of the
agreements ATS will be more big and strong!
Talk with me in another two weeks; I am 99% of my time between Europe to
Why not email Daniel back and ask him to explain this link - Department of State
Hi - I too hold far too many ATS shares, with certificates, and worry about my investment, despite the checks I made that ATS did have ongoing contracts with at least some of the clients they listed in their news.
I do know that ATS Specialists had US based 'legal council' and capital advisory support whilst they were using Oxbridge to gain foreign investors and hoping to break into the US market, and I am pressing these contacts to get answers/feedback from ATS which should help all their investors.
It is particularly worrying that ATS seem to have returned from Florida to their offices in Israel without leaving telephone nos with people to call, email addresses that work (i.e. mailbox isn't full) and any updates on their authorised web site.
The last quote I have, from Daniel Greenberg the COO of ATS, copied below, is positive (or at least hopeful) but I've heard no more since May. Clearly the financial situation globally isn't helping, but if the company continues to operate then they do have an obligation to their long suffering shareholders even if, as a private company, they have no legal requirements to honour in terms of the material they have to present.
I am very busy in a very big project and towards conclusion of the
agreements that I believe will happen in 2 3 weeks! By the signature of the
agreements ATS will be more big and strong!
Talk with me in another two weeks; I am 99% of my time between Europe to
I hope & pray that we might, one day, get our investment money back - any money beyond that would be a welcome bonus...
Best wishes & sympathy for the position we've been put in...