Psychology The Casino Mentality In Trading

Financial markets attract all sorts of participants, from part-time hobbyists looking for extra cash to multinational institutions moving billions of dollars across thousands of instruments. The trading game stretches across both ends of the spectrum, with part-timers and at-home gamers competing for profits with traditional funds and lightning-fast computer algorithms.

Data suggest the majority of traders playing at the shallow end of the market pool will eventually fail at the endeavor and pick up stakes, letting someone else manage their money, or simply giving up and looking for another way to build wealth. Ironically, many of these folks never had a chance to succeed because they came into the game with a casino mentality that marked a direct path to failure.

What exactly is a casino mentality and how does it undermine the trader’s quest for profitability? Is this flawed approach limited to novices or do experienced traders also get caught up in the behavior? What’s the most effective way to overcome the casino mentality and replace it with a disciplined approach that supports a profitable career in speculation?

Defining The Casino Mentality
Many new traders view their participation in the financial markets in the same way as a trip to Las Vegas, hoping the pile of cash in their back pockets can be traded in for a bigger pile when they leave. Many of these folks haven’t learned basic trading strategies and techniques because they are oblivious to the nature of risk, hypnotized by the greed that sticks like glue to all get-rich-quick schemes.

The media and peers have programmed new traders to look at securities as betting sheets and the broad market as a sporting event, in which anyone can win as long as they root for the right side. The game looks black and white from their perspective, because they don’t understand how markets pick the pockets of traders who throw money at securities with the same intensity that coins are dropped into one-arm bandits in hopes of hitting the jackpot.

And just like a slot machine, minor pay outs at regular intervals increase the motivation to place bigger bets, whether or not they are appropriate to the market conditions and opportunities in play at the time. This greedy behavior occasionally pays off with a big win but mostly loses money consistently over time, opening the door to failure and a final exit from the trading game.

The lack of a definable edge seals their fate just like gamblers who play for excitement but fail to learn the odds for each game and appropriate responses that reduce or eliminate the house’s advantage. Meanwhile, both sets of individuals get secondary reinforcement for destructive actions because their bodies release adrenaline and endorphins whenever they play, regardless of winning or losing.

The casino mentality consumes the most capital when markets or instruments head into binary events, like earnings reports or economic releases that trigger sharply higher or lower security prices. Smart traders step aside or hedge positions at these inflection points because they don’t know the outcome and guessing doesn’t constitute a viable strategy. Meanwhile the afflicted trader goes all in, taking large positions because they are fixed on the winning side of the equation, blind to the significant cost of being wrong.

Beginner’s Flaw or Lifetime Affliction
The casino mentality primarily affects novices because it is a natural consequence of misunderstanding the financial markets and how they function. Many of these folks will learn from their mistakes sooner or later, using the inevitable losses as a wake-up call to take the subject matter more seriously. In turn, this provides the motivation needed to sit down and learn the basics of strategy, position sizing, positive expectancy, and risk management.

While novices wash out quickly if they don’t abandon the casino mentality, experienced traders can carry elements of this destructive mindset for years. While it doesn’t dominate their time-tested strategies, this mentality can show up whenever greed overcomes discipline. It isn’t fatal in small doses and may inject a bit of fun into the trading day, as long as position size is kept down. These are appropriately called “lottery tickets,” working best when traders face binary scenarios they’ve seen enough times to believe they have a better than 50-50 chance of being right.

For example, Russell Investments rebalances their popular index portfolios once a year in June, triggering rallies because fund managers need to buy the new securities. Experienced traders can book windfall profits if they guess the additions in advance. Although a binary event (a security is added or it is not), years of observing this process creates a small edge that traders play with a basket of stocks they think will get added.

Overcoming The Casino Mentality
Education offers the most potent defence against the casino mentality. Start your trading career by reading solid tutorial materials on investing, trading, and the history of the financial markets. Then explore specialized materials in your area of interest, including Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd if focused on fundamental analysis and Technical Analysis of Stock Trends by Robert G. Edwards and John Magee if focused on technical analysis. Read biographies on famous traders and how they made their fortunes, such as Reminiscences of a Stock Operator, Edwin Lefèvre‘s 1923 biography of legendary trader Jesse Livermore. Supplement that classic knowledge by fast forwarding into the modern era, studying top trading and market timing books of the last few decades.

Realistically, many new participants avoid the educational path because they are perfectly content chasing the illusion of easy money, looking for the markets to provide big paydays without working up a sweat. Logistically, this works to the advantage of more serious minded participants, generating a large supply of fumbling weak hands that add to reward potential at key market turning points.

In Summary
Financial markets offer all sorts of opportunities to build profits, as long as participants are willing to cultivate well-defined edges and build appropriate sets of risk and money management rules. Conversely, placing binary bets on market outcomes, believing it’s a casino that pays off in a random manner, ignores market structure and reality, providing a direct path to failure and washout.

Alan Farley can be contacted on this link: Hard Right Edge
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I agree with many things, but there is also something I want to argue with. Yes, gambling is something very unstable. But doesn’t this all help you to develop in yourself the ability to predict the next move? For trade, as for me, this is an important factor. Of course, everything also depends on the life experience that everyone accumulates over the years.
Hopelessness is no place here. There is always a chance to win. For example, clubvip777 is a vivid example of this. After this site I have lost the doubt that I can do something, I can achieve something. And note, this does not hinder me from realizing myself in trading, but ,on the contrary, helps me achieve high goals. That's why, believe first of all in yourself!
The only thing that I think that can come good from understanding casinos and gambling is an understanding of how variance works as this will help settle your mind during losing periods if all else is sound.