Advanced GET

Advanced GET

Advanced GET is a combination of proprietary and standard indicators. These studies and techniques let you:

  • Determine your entry, exit, support and resistance areas before you make your move.
  • View the predicted performance of your entire portfolio in multiple time frames.
  • Use the Advanced GET rule-based approaches.

Advanced GET comes in three versions.

Advanced GET Real-Time: The flagship standalone application of the Advanced GET product line with the Advanced GET proprietary studies, optimized software, eSignal data and an all-new Dashboard feature designed specifically for the real-time user

Advanced GET End-of-Day: Standalone product that scans user's entire database of issues on any number of simple or complex triggers

Advanced GET Scanner: Market screener that uses GET search criteria, such as Type One Buys, XTL Breakouts and Type Two Sells to search the U.S. market in real time
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3.75 star(s) 4 ratings

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ฉันต้องการซื้อขาย FORREC โดยใช้โปรแกรม Advanced Gate
I'm glad there's a free trial..useless

I honestly can't see how this could be ranked 2. Aget uses primarily elliott wave for its trade setups, but if it calculates the waves incorrectly..and in all the mentoring sessions, the traders themselves keep on stating "this is a bad count", then its practically useless.

It does have a good XPL, expert trend locator, but then I realised the results are almost identical to ichimoku with alot of charting software!

Overpriced and gave nothing for someone stating they received a nice manual..this manual covered the very basics of technical analysis. Well if this is Advanced, why do I want to know about OHLC bars!!
user of Get software

I thinks its a great system.I will be upgrading from AOD to real time. Let you all know how it goes !
Esignal Advanced Get toghether

I had the chance to switch from CQG and Advanced get RT stand alone and they new just released 7.4 release of ESIGNAL ADVANCED GET

It is of great interest either from a trading and a corporate stand point , see the kind of improvements that this group -IDC- is making at a speed light. Fumbling sometimes , but nobody is perfect.

The integration of the two programs via the M&A of Tom Joseph's TRADING TECh. make this platform a tremendous tool for every trader around . Either he is a Elliot fan or just or not. For Esignal Itself has dramatically improved in every sense: new mission, new look, new tools, solid rock data and new release at the pace of one every 20 days.

I mean NOTHING it is missed. That does not mean getting out of focus in the "software per se" and corporate mission. Actually it is release by release even more clear where they want to get.
I'v never thought to have the chance to make my Elliot analysis while having an open system with ALL the indispensables that a Pro need to have . All integrated. But actually after month stressing out both the soft, the data and the customer service I must say that finally those guys are setting a new benchmark for the whole industry.
Let me stress on few points:

IDC is a powerful group with power in capital expenditure. So said with the COMSTOK DATA corp acquisition ESIGNAL has by far the highest potential in Data feed WORLDWIDE.



the proprietary EFS java script language - yet under improvements- give to ESIGNAL the unlimited possibility to elaborate ANY KIND OF STUDY, OSCILLATOR, STRATEGY, BT, etc you can imagine. .



* CUSTOMER SUPPORT: just great, at a "third ring" level.....

In addition to customer support the community works perfectly and you can reach what -maybe - the Customer care hasn't been able to solve via telecom or chat.

Sometimes- if you are a GET fan- you have the chance to discuss via forum with Mr. Tom Joseph himself and pose him questions..... or with Mr. Chuck Thompson , The CEO of Esignal AGET ...... ( who actually I'v seen posting in this BB)

IMHO a really first class "pragmatic" software....
and group .

PS. By the way, I had the pleasant surprise to receive after 4 days from my subscription a "kit" with a 200 pages ADVANCED GET manual and a CD with Demo interactive. Right from the London office