Formula help


Junior member
Im new to metastock quotecenter and need some help🙂.

I would like to know who i can do this in metastock.

Put in tsv(time segment volum) and ms(moneystream) and bop(balance of power.

you can read about it here:

or see it in use in this video:[/url]

And can i do this in metastock:[/url][/url]

Last edited:
Indicators for MS

jensfrode said:
Im new to metastock quotecenter and need some help🙂.

I would like to know who i can do this in metastock.

Put in tsv(time segment volum) and ms(moneystream) and bop(balance of power.

you can read about it here:

or see it in use in this video:[/url]

And can i do this in metastock:[/url][/url]


Hi jensfrode,

This should help: click on the following addresses:


Eduardo 🙂


Thanks Eduardo.

One more question about moneystream..which one of them would it be.
Is it the:
MoneyFlow Index (MFI PCF – 10-days).

If you have any more links about metastock-analyses-video.Please write to me.

Best regards
Intraday Intensity

jensfrode said:

Thanks Eduardo.

One more question about moneystream..which one of them would it be.
Is it the:
MoneyFlow Index (MFI PCF – 10-days).

If you have any more links about metastock-analyses-video.Please write to me.

Best regards

Hi jensfrode,

To tell you the truth, I haven’t got a clue! “moneystream” is a proprietary indicator, and it is evident that Worden has no intention to make the formula public.
All is not lost, though: Mark Chaikin and David Bostian are mentioned, this is important.
Both Mark Chaikin’s “Money Flow” and Gene Quong and Avram Soudek’s “Money Flow Index” are already built in Metastock – just call them up.
David Bostian isn’t – which is where I come in.
The formula below is the “Intraday Intensity” oscillator version; you can find all this in John Bollinger’s “Bollinger on Bollinger Bands” text, ISBN 0-07-137368-3; check, you might get a deal.
%b Intraday Intensity:
{Bostian's Intraday Intensity Index }
var1 := (((2*C)-H)-L);
var1 := If(var1=0,0.01,var1);
var2 := (H-L);
var2 := If(var2=0,0.01,var2);
var3 := Sum((var1/var2)* VOLUME,21);
var4 := (Sum(VOLUME,21));
var5 := (var3/var4);
II := var5 *100;

Use it as a proxy for Moneystream, as I think it is the closer you could probably find to it.

Eduardo 🙂
Bollinger Bands tag

jensfrode said:

Thanks Eduardo.

One more question about moneystream..which one of them would it be.
Is it the:
MoneyFlow Index (MFI PCF – 10-days).

If you have any more links about metastock-analyses-video.Please write to me.

Best regards

Hi jensfrode

Me again; please click on the following link and read.
Intraday Intensity is designed to confirm Bollinger Bands tags!
Hope this helps.

More help

Im frustrated Eduardo:

im copy the formula for ms and bop and your last formula and i get a message :this is not a recognized name,constant or operator

What am i doing wrong.

And who do i get like a bar graf in tsv .Tsv working.

Use it as a proxy for Moneystream (what do you mean🙂 ??

Dont give up on me 🙂

Best wishes
Bostian's Intraday Intensity Index

Jeru, if you copy & paste Eduardo's complete formula into MetaStock's Indicator Builder, you won't get any errors.

MetaStock -> Tools -> Indicator Builder -> New -> Copy & Paste enhanced indicator formula within PHP box below:

{ Bostian's Intraday Intensity Index }

{ User input }
pds:=Input("Volume summation periods",1,252,21); 

{ Intraday Intensity Index }

{ Plot III in own window }

jose -)
jensfrode said:
Im frustrated Eduardo:

im copy the formula for ms and bop and your last formula and i get a message :this is not a recognized name,constant or operator

What am i doing wrong.

And who do i get like a bar graf in tsv .Tsv working.

Use it as a proxy for Moneystream (what do you mean🙂 ??

Dont give up on me 🙂

Best wishes

Hi Jeru,

I meant “instead of”, ie., use Intraday Intensity instead of Moneystream; this is because Moneystream is a proprietary indicator, ie., the guy who designed it will not tell anyone how he did it, but Intraday Intensity is probably the next best thing you’ll find.
I’d like you to click here:
and download the Formula Primer; print it; read it; read it again, and practice, because it contains a lot of info about developing your own indicators.
Also, you could do worse than to subscribe to MetaStock Tips & Tools newsletter, the gold standard in Metastock training; click here and judge:
As for your question about the presentation of an indicator, read my post to you in the Equis Forum.

Eduardo 😀
The story goes on


I we done just like you said...but no...just coping and paste the code

or am i missing something:-(

Thanks for the help.
jensfrode said:
I we done just like you said...but no...just coping and paste the code

or am i missing something

After copying & pasting the formula, you'll need to drag the new indicator from the Indicator QuickList window, and drop it on its own window below a chart.

For more information on basic MetaStock functions you'll need to consult your MetaStock manual.

jose '-)


I tell you what i do. i go to tools-indicator builder and new..Then i copying & pasting the formula inside the box from you..into indicator formula window, and when i shall ok it..then it say this is not a recognized name,constant or operator...and thats telling something with the code is wrong.or i shall put something in the code that i dont understand.i have done some formula right

Best regards

p.s it`s late but i cant sleep because of this🙂)
Jens, copy and paste the following indicator code inside the PHP box:
Now, drop the indicator on a chart.

Tell me the results.
If you have no problems with it, first get some sleep and then repeat this same process with the earlier indicator code, preferably in the morning! 😉

jose '-)
Jeru, what error messages do you get when you attempt to Copy & Paste the code? And more importantly, where is the MetaStock text cursor located at that time?

And, are you sure that you've copied the complete code?

jose '-)
Jose !

Ive tried several times..Then i click in the indicator formula window and pasting the formula from you..into indicator formula window, and when i shall ok everything it..then it say: this is not a recognized name,constant or operator

Have you really tried..iw tried yours and Eduardo`s formula...but

Soon i have to sleep, dont give up on me yet🙂

"this is not a recognized name,constant or operator" - Jeru, I can only help you if you tell me where exactly the text cursor is positioned when you get your error message.

Also, it would be a good idea to have a look at the actual code you are attempting to copy & paste. Copy & paste your formula directly from MetaStock, and post it here again so that we can take a look at it.

jose '-)
here we go again🙂

Hello Jose!

i think you may sleep now and im sitting here with my problem🙂
Ok here i go: i give you 2 example

Eduardos code inside my indicator:

{Bostian's Intraday Intensity Index }
var1 := (((2*C)-H)-L);
var1 := If(var1=0,0.01,var1);
var2 := (H-L);
var2 := If(var2=0,0.01,var2);
var3 := Sum((var1/var2)* VOLUME,21);
var4 := (Sum(VOLUME,21));
var5 := (var3/var4);
II := var5 *100;


the text cursor is blinking

var1 := If(var1=0, HERE 0.01,var1);

and with your code Jose

{ Bostian's Intraday Intensity Index }

{ User input }
pds:=Input("Volume summation periods",1,252,21);

{ Intraday Intensity Index }

{ Plot III in own window }

the text cursor blink

HiLoRange:=Max(H-L, HERE .00001);

i hope this will help you and later me🙂
Thanks for trying Jose and Eduardofor your time and help.

I tried several metastock code from several sites...some work and some dont.

Best regards
another example


the text cursor is blinking

var1 := If(var1=0, here 0.01,var1);

when i do like this with the code

var1 := If(var1=0,01,var1);

its ok

Is this the right answare Jose/Eduardo

and with your code Jose

the text cursor blink

HiLoRange:=Max(H-L, here .00001);
and when i do like this
its ok

but i also get the same error with code from Jose silva.

I would like to have a bop code.Eduardo gave my an adress:

Here it is.

Balance Of Power - BOP

{Reward Based on the Open}

{Reward Based on the Close}

{Reward Based on the Open-Close}

BOP:=(BuRBoO+BuRBoC+BuRBoOC)/3 - (BeRBoO+BeRBoC+BeRBoOC)/3;

then the text cursor blink

THL:=If(H-L=0, here .00001,H-L);

and when i do like this

its ok

the only problem is that on the website its in a bargraf and i have a line graf

Best regards
Jeru, perhaps your PC settings may be currently set to European decimal point delimiters, which may cause problems for MetaStock. For example, 1 dollar 98 cents should be $1.98 and not $1,98.

jose '-)