MetaServer Server Link to Global Server

The Oz

Junior member
Attached is all the info i could find pertaining to the setting up and linking between MetaServer for Global Server for ProSuite 2000i. Some of it is in different languages though... was wonder if someone with experience using these software could help me set this up with real-time data from RTQDownloader (once I understand how this works would like to use bloombergs data) Thanks so much. Link to their website and DDE instructions below:

DDE Support
The real-time quotes can also be accessed via DDE. This makes it very simple to store
the quotes e.g. in Excel sheets and make analysis tasks there. The quotes can also be
accessed from any other program supporting DDE.
Following information is needed to make a DDE connection with RTQDownloader:
Server name: RTQ.
Following topics are supported: Bid, Ask, Close, Volume, Total Volume
Following items are supported: Each security in a symbol list is an item. e.g. MSFT, NET,
^DJI, 519000.DE etc.
If you want to access the “Bid” price of Microsoft (MSFT) you have to paste following
string into an Excel sheet (or any other program supporting DDE connections):
Ask price:
Close price:
Total Volume:
Generally a DDE string has the following format: Server name|Topic!Item
Some programs do not support a DDE string containing a “^”, “.” or a “,” character. That
is the reason why the DDE symbol may differs from the “Download symbol”. Here are
some examples:
If the symbol is “519000.DE” you have to use following DDE string:
If the symbol is “^DJI” you have to use following DDE string:


Hi Oz:

I really appreciate your time in trying to assist our newbies.

I have read all the info you posted and I got most of it correct with one exception.
Setting up of MetaServer:
My symbols is automatically populated from GlobalServer to MetaServer, however, I am unable to edit the field under the DDE Server to show RTQ.
It will not allow me to highlight or select the space, therefore it does not bring up the editing screen.
Then I tried to do it by selecting Symbol/Edit Select, but doesn't bring up the Edit window either, since I cannot select anything in the space.
Please see attachment.

Any suggestion will be appreciated!
Please keep up the good work!!



  • MS.jpg
    21.1 KB · Views: 545
Hi Oz:

Any suggestion will be appreciated!


1) You need special version od MetaServer: MetaServer RT 3.2 for IB
2) The version 2.0 of MetaServer for DDE (which is on your screen) is 10-years old and isn't supported anymore.
TS2000i - MS - TWS


I am currently trying to connect MS 3.2 RT(demo) with IB TWS to Global Server (TS2000i). I have followed all the instructions on a previous thread on topic “MetaServer Server Link to Global Server”, but still no success!

So far, MS is collecting data from TWS.

When I try to “connect symbol” is Global Server I am getting an “error” under Real Time Status column.

However, when I close MS I am getting a Global Server warning that “connection to datafeed has been terminated”. From the above error I can summarized that Global Server is communicating with MS.

I am sure this is an easy fix, but I just can’t see it. I am hoping that one of you Gurus have a solution.
