Trading Keyboard


Junior member
I am looking for a financial keyboard for my trading. I trade full time and can have 10 to 15 positions open at once with a sizable amount. I trade direct access so a customised financial keyboard would speed things up and minimise risks for human error.

Does anyone have any recommendations...

If you cant find one with custom keys, you will be able to find a small utility which will program key sequences (eg using CTRL-ALT-F for example). This would be a good 2nd choice...

allenm said:
I am looking for a financial keyboard for my trading. I trade full time and can have 10 to 15 positions open at once with a sizable amount. I trade direct access so a customised financial keyboard would speed things up and minimise risks for human error.

Does anyone have any recommendations...


Not sure where they got them from but GLTrade (vendor of the GL trading system and exchange connectivity platform) had funky trading keyboards which were mainly a large numeric keypad plus huge buy and sell buttons which looked like they could cope with a lot of grief... Not sure how useful they would actually be though.

A quick search on google came up with:

Hope this helps



I have found Access on google and made contact. Waiting for a response!!
Trading Keyboards

allenm said:
I am looking for a financial keyboard for my trading. I trade full time and can have 10 to 15 positions open at once with a sizable amount. I trade direct access so a customised financial keyboard would speed things up and minimise risks for human error.

Does anyone have any recommendations...


Hi there

We might be able to help you with your problem, please take a look at MPKB 4000.htm

this is a trading keyboard which you can connect upto 5 PC and Reuters, the PC's can be Bloomberg, EBS, Sun, or just standard PC, or they could be running running D3000 xtra, Quotespeed, or any other software.


(My mouse usually feels uncomfortable when i have my finger on the (trading) buzzer. Under pressure, i can feel like i can make a mistake possibly due to a twitchy finger.
Not sure if a trading keyboard is the answer for me. Maybe i need a bigger, fatter mouse that i can fits into the palm of my hand. Or perhaps i just need to practice how i hold my mouse & decide on a definate grip.......)
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I am looking for a financial keyboard for my trading. I trade full time and can have 10 to 15 positions open at once with a sizable amount. I trade direct access so a customised financial keyboard would speed things up and minimise risks for human error.

Does anyone have any recommendations...


Hello there, are you still looking for a financial keyboard for your trading?

If so go to

If you have any questions please contact me.

Think Ive seen a couple of them knocking around my trading floor somewhere. Don't have one / never used one myself (although as I stated earlier I've used various others).


GammaJammer, then you have come across the likes of EK or HK, both very good keyboards if you don't have a budget, then there's the Amulet AHK3000, been around some time now, you can use it with two other PC, plus Reuters, and last on the list and the Newest of the bunch is the Mighter MPKB 4050, where you have Reuters, Bloomberg, EBS, and 3 PC all controlled from one Keyboard, you also only need 1 Mouse as the MPKB switch does all the controlling for you. This keyboard is a third cheaper than the Amulet AHK3000, and nearly half the price of the Wey keyboards but it has all the trader needs in a trading keyboard, its Plug and Play, and easy to use, and the big banks are buying them to replace there old Keyboards equipment, so there got to be a reason why, total cost of ownership moght be where the Mighter Keyboards win out.

You have to be in to win
At the end of the day those babies are still the size of a flatbed lorry. Happy with my keypad.

I did however see one that had a tiny (like 1.5" sq) telly embedded in it. Now THAT'S overkill ;-)

Hi GammaJammer,

As Keith has promoted Mighter offerings I would like to take the opportunity to keep everyone up to date with the Wey products. We have recently released the EK Light keyboard which is powered from the PC (no boxes or power supplies under the desk), can control 4 PCs and with two EK lights you can contend for (share) any (or all) of the PCs for the cost of a null modem cable.

Keith alluded to the cost of Wey products being high but the EK Light is now more cost effective than any of our competitiors offerings and the Wey range of products is far more extensive than any other company - our MK06 keyboard includes colour LCDs which support video streaming for those of you who are interested. If you want to check them out look try EK Light Overview for the EK Light and MK Overview for the MK. Check the dimensions and you'll find they are not much bigger than standard PC keyboards.

We have a global presence and if you need any further information, just let me know.
