A slight draw down


Legendary member
Whoop-see-daisy, never mind!


  • Ebullio Capital Management February 2010 Monthly Update.pdf
    375 KB · Views: 700
thats a good effort like! i would have gone for the full 100% drawn down by that point tbh! no half measures..
gotta feel for the poor sods who weren't trading metals

and yeah I dunno anything about that organisation but if it's their only fund... given they're an LLP I'd have been going for 400% drawdown tbh!
that makes me feel so much better for reading that.
pity I cant other blow other peoples money like that.

the one upside is they graciously decided not to charge their 2% management fee.
lol I just noticed that that was created less than 3 hours ago I thought it was stale info

oh well never mind, it wasn't *me* it was passed to confidentially... :LOL:
that makes me feel so much better for reading that.
pity I cant other blow other peoples money like that.

Unfortunately most of us are niether skilled enough nor qualified to blow other peoples money :LOL:

the one upside is they graciously decided not to charge their 2% management fee.
Wholly ****!!

I knew Greg Cain (http://www.ebullio.co.uk/ourteam.html)!! He had a very short period of time with me at an IDB and got booted after 6 months for being ****. Also remember he had another short 6 months at what was then Refco trading services, where he also got booted for being ****.

Amazing that anyone would allow him near $500 mill.
the fact there advertising on their website about the fund shows they are total cowboys!
Wow spectacular losses - and not one of their commodity funds has made a single dime.
"Our commitment to the strategy is unwavering"


Yeah gotta admire that. That's some good commitment. :LOL:

I'm starting to feel more and more conflicted about whether I should have posted this, we're reading this before most of their investors from the looks of it. Mind you now that it's out there it's too late, but next time I'll check dates a bit more carefully...
Yeah gotta admire that. That's some good commitment. :LOL:

I'm starting to feel more and more conflicted about whether I should have posted this, we're reading this before most of their investors from the looks of it. Mind you now that it's out there it's too late, but next time I'll check dates a bit more carefully...

after losing 70% in jan, im sure the investors that didnt pull out then have been watching the fund every day..