Dishonest unregulated broker on forex TSD


Well-known member

Many forex message boards are pumping and dumping grounds for unregulated bucket shop operators.Well over $1m may have been collected from message board readers .These people are now having difficulty getting their money back

first 200 pips on me , the rest , we will share - Page 143 - Forex Trading

Should message boards support these activities to deceive readers?

Here is a site pumping the broker

Best Online Forex Brokers, the Internet's Most Comprehensive List of Forex Brokers and Forex Broker Reviews, Rankings, Ratings, Comparisons and Information

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Many forex message boards are pumping and dumping grounds for unregulated bucket shop operators.Well over $1m may have been collected from message board readers .These people are now having difficulty getting their money back

first 200 pips on me , the rest , we will share - Page 143 - Forex Trading

Should message boards support these activities to deceive readers?

Here is a site pumping the broker

Best Online Forex Brokers, the Internet's Most Comprehensive List of Forex Brokers and Forex Broker Reviews, Rankings, Ratings, Comparisons and Information


Who do you use for FX and why?

Go on, you know you want to.........


(Not wishing to shoot the messenger)

How you we know you're not a pumper incognito?😏
Who do you use for FX and why?

Go on, you know you want to.........


(Not wishing to shoot the messenger)

How you we know you're not a pumper incognito?😏


I fail to understand u.

I have open accounts with cme brokers on futures namely interactive brokers.Although I have funds in the account but I can not trade with interactive as my Expert advisors are on metatrader.

I find metatrader easy to write programs for and test strategies.

I have accounts with all the spreadbetting companies ...ALL DORMANT

I have accounts with Alpari and am testing the broker's service

Next I plan to open account with another U K based metatrader broker

I am banned from many message boards because I have exposed these message board owners as scammers involved in supporting and defrauding message board readers


I fail to understand u.

I have open accounts with cme brokers on futures namely interactive brokers.Although I have funds in the account but I can not trade with interactive as my Expert advisors are on metatrader.

I find metatrader easy to write programs for and test strategies.

I have accounts with all the spreadbetting companies ...ALL DORMANT

I have accounts with Alpari and am testing the broker's service

Next I plan to open account with another U K based metatrader broker

I am banned from many message boards because I have exposed these message board owners as scammers involved in supporting and defrauding message board readers


I was being facetious!

I suggest if you can write MQL4 and use IB then perhaps translate the programs to Amibroker or get somebody to help you. I've never actually used an MT4 broker for live trading as my instinct tells me it could be a frustrating experience. As you say good for testing out ideas.

That's what I did. I successfully ran 24 hour FX strategies on multiple crosses for a period
until the inevitable drawdowns so now trade semi automated mainly because I like sleeping at night.
I was being facetious!

I suggest if you can write MQL4 and use IB then perhaps translate the programs to Amibroker or get somebody to help you. I've never actually used an MT4 broker for live trading as my instinct tells me it could be a frustrating experience. As you say good for testing out ideas.

That's what I did. I successfully ran 24 hour FX strategies on multiple crosses for a period
until the inevitable drawdowns so now trade semi automated mainly because I like sleeping at night.


I am not having any problems with ODL securities because they may also be using currenex to hedge.

So far things are going well on metatrader and I am liking it.

If things work out as planned and a very robust strategy which is very consistent is programmed, I will move to EBS (part of UBS? or something similiar)


Whats the best forex broker to use in the uk ?
Also looking for someone with a very tight spread, no comission etc 😱)

Also looking for broker that would additionally be easy to setup with an auto trading robot.

I am thinking of starting to trade fx through a proper online broker.

So far I have only been placing rolling bets on capital spreads.
Any info appreciated
ARE Many posts are missing from the thread on TSD?


Who is trying to hide the truth?


Many people may not believe the truth but see for yourself




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ARE Many posts are missing from the thread on TSD?


Who is trying to hide the truth?


El Cid, this may be difficult for you to accept, possibly due to your medication, or perhaps you just aren't the sharpest tool in the box, but forums generally need some degree of moderation.

You seam to be confusing moderation with censorship. Lets take the Steintz thread at TSD as an example. Quite clearly, Steintz was simply someone who thought he could make a few bucks from selling an EA to the gullible, and a thread was started soliciting funding.

A few people initially pointed out the obvious flaws with the strategy, MTF indicators repainting, trading without a stop, poor reward risk ratio etc. Some of those posts where well thought through and well argued, and as such where valuable contributions. Unfortunately an awful lot of the posts where just incoherent ranting from people such as yourself.

The moderators decided that the author of the thread, and those who wished to participate should have the opportunity to discuss their project without interruption from numpty's with a personal agenda. Quite a few of those numpty's where vendors in direct competition for the hearts, minds and wallets of the forums membership. As a consequence of this policy, posts that where considered off topic where deleted. For your benefit, I'll point out that the same thing happens here, check the journey from the basement thread as a prime example.

Although blatantly off topic posts where deleted, quite a few posts do remain. For example, on a number of occasions the author posted back test results showing the strategy in a positive light. I posted several times pointing out the deficiencies in those results, and the tricks the author had used to optimize the EA's performance. Non of those posts where removed, and indeed I was actually encouraged by the forum administrator to point out exactly these sorts of issues and bring them to peoples attention.

On a number of occasions Steintz manually altered statements, these inconsistencies where pointed out, and the mods at TSD where quite happy for those posts to remain.

If you look at the thread in question, its fairly well balanced, on one hand we have a group of shrills pimping a product claiming 2000 pips a month (with no evidence to back it up) and on the other, a group of guys forward testing the EA on small accounts hemorrhaging money with statements and access to real time accounts to back up their claims. The contents of that thread do the author no favors whatsoever, it exposes the deficiencies in his method far more clearly than another vendor screaming this is a scam.

You claim that there was censorship, but in reality, for those who couldn't actually be bothered to contribute with reasoned argument, but just wished to whine whine and moan, the forum actually set up an alternative thread where people could post inane comments such as the unsubstantiated garbage you where posing daily.

If people couldn't actually follow simple rules and post the appropriate material in the appropriate place, then I'm afraid thats their problem. It's a bit like toilet training a puppy, its fine for it to crap in the garden, but you don't want it taking a dump on your bed. Same with your posts, fine in one thread, but unacceptable in another.

Most puppy's have enough sense to modify their behavior, you however do not, and thats why your posts where deleted. It was that simple.

I could point out similar instances in the other thread you mention. No one is trying to censor, there's some quite damming accusations made very early in the thread, direct questions asked and avoided that quite clearly send out signals that all is not as it seams. Those posts are far more damaging than the wining of a little boy crying wolf.
I could point out similar instances in the other thread you mention. No one is trying to censor, there's some quite damming accusations made very early in the thread, direct questions asked and avoided that quite clearly send out signals that all is not as it seams. Those posts are far more damaging than the wining of a little boy crying wolf.

were the posts from other members deleted recently?What is there to hide now?

Why hide evidence not related to me or my posts?.The thread looks half empty

It seems from all your posts that u are a messenger of TSD.

Zupcon go see the movie WATERGATE and it will refresh your only few remaining brain cells

Moderators can.
Argument, insult, rudeness, and irrelevance to the topic would be the most frequent causes for removal.


Agreed on your valid reasons.

Should message board owners be allowed by readers ' to deceive readers by removing essential information in a serious case?A case where at least $1m of reader's funds may be involved.


Agreed on your valid reasons.

Should message board owners be allowed by readers ' to deceive readers by removing essential information in a serious case?A case where at least $1m of reader's funds may be involved.


Unfortunately thats part of the terms and conditions you agreed to when you joined, I'm not supporting censorship in any way, but at times it will be necessary.

If the forum owner believes that a post may put his business at risk, he has every right to remove it. If you wish to publish potentially libelous information nothing stops you from setting up a forum, and doing so.

I'm afraid that you have to respect the rights of the forum administrator, and the decisions of the majority, and if you want to change peoples opinions, you'll need to put forward well reasoned argument, not incoherent ranting and unsubstantiated opinion.

Your posts are removed because they contribute nothing, other than noise to an already confused situation, constructive posts tend to stay regardless of content, destructive, abusive and worthless posts are I'm afraid deleted. It's like cleaning litter from the streets, someone has to do it, and the world is generally a better place for it.
Your posts are removed because they contribute nothing, other than noise to an already confused situation, constructive posts tend to stay regardless of content, destructive, abusive and worthless posts are I'm afraid deleted. It's like cleaning litter from the streets, someone has to do it, and the world is generally a better place for it.


We are not talking about 4 constructive posts from OILFXPRO warning in advance of something not being right.

We are talking about posts by other senior members of TSD forum.ARE THEY STILL THERE?

Where are they?


People knew a long time ago something was not right with this guy ? So what happened



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We tried to warn everybody with constructive posts




  • allecoh kj.jpg
    allecoh kj.jpg
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We tried to warn everybody with constructive posts



You've pretty much hung yourself by your own petard I'm afraid.

You claim that forum administrators are in league with various unscrupulous vendors (such as yourself), and that attempts to warn others of the potential pitfalls are censored. As evidence, you then post a series of screen shots of posts, all pointing out obvious problems relating to particular vendors, all of which still exist, and non of which have been removed, modified or censored in any way.

The reason no one ever listens to you is that you either have nothing of value to say, or your stating the bleeding obvious.
I've posted this on one of your threads before and again now.

Due diligence is paramount, and if you can't be bothered to learn how to trade, one should make the effort to put in the spade work to assess whom they will invest money with and if one can't even do that, then they get all they deserve... Only fools rush in.


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I have not made any accusations against TSD .Just questioning their singing messenger

Must stick to trading and concemtrating positive energies on trading

Point taken
