Chat Rooms Reviewed - My Personal Expierences


Hi, here is a quick recap of my chat room expierence thus far.

Day Trade Team - They charged my card $995 after my trial despite my cancellation request (3 days in advance). I was so mad and disgusted that I did not continue with the service past the 5 day trial. This is a scam tactic. If the service was decent they would not have to resort to these tricks. It took me weeks to get my money back. I basically had to threaten to sue them before they would refund me. I will say I like their chat room software. It crashes a lot (macromedia breeze meeting) but it's laid out very nicely. Nick seems to trade QQQQ and DIA a lot. Well why not just trade the NQ or YM futures contract? The margin requirements are less and the extra capital could be used for swings or more futures positions.

UnderGroundTrader.Com - Jay Yu is a great teacher and speaker. To make any money with this system you have to have at least a $40,000 account and lightning fast execution skills. Getting fills that he records on the nightly recap are near impossible. They focus only on stocks here. I lost a lot of money here but if may have not been the methods but my execution. They focus on news plays and a few basket stocks.

PureTick.Com - Author/trader Alex Wasilewski's site. This site focuses on trading the dow e-mini YM/ES futures. I joined because one of my accounts dropped under 25k and I could still day trade futures with 23k. Exact prices on entry, targets and stops are given (thank god). Alex also posts entry times on his track record (which is rare). I've only been a member of this site for 2 months (currently am) and have actually turned a profit. There is good audio commentary and intelligent room members. Right now nothing negative to report except a slight audio issue with the chat room software. I will keep you posted as my experience here progresses.

TradeTheMarket.Com - This is John Carter/Hubert Senters site. I'm sure everyone has heard of them. I was a member for about 7 months. I did not like the fact that Hubert would never really let you know what to do. ie: "Counter trend traders go long, trend traders go short". They have a lot of members but I think its because john and hubert are excellent salesmen.. I get videos from them every other day about a new cd, book, seminar or indicator they'd like me to purchase for $900. I gave them a lot of business and also purchased their indicator package (which I later found out were just renamed pre-existing tools). Everywhere I turn on their site I now feel like they are just reaching for my wallet. I do not mind paying for a good service but there are limits. I learned a lot about market flow indicators here. I was never really able to make money based on their intra-day calls. The have too many setups and don't let you know whats going on. They offer chart sharing and pit noise to distract you to this.

WoodiesCCI - I can not report on this site! Why? I've tried to login with their TalksLive client 4 times now. It seems to be the most buggy chat software on the planet. I've received a wide variety of errors and never actually got in the room. Maybe their site is just too overloaded. This may be a great site!! I can not find out however.

IRC - There are various free channels on IRC, inter relay chat. I've visted these rooms. Most of them pop in and out of existance. This is a good place to exchange ideas with other traders but not to learn a new system. It's a big mix of guys posting their gains and trying to feel good about themselves.

That's about it for now. I hope this post helps some of you guys find the type of site your looking for.

Thanks for sharing your experiences with various chat room websites. You are right imho some are out to gouge as much money as poss - fortunately there are the more mature and helpful sites that seem to enjoy life. Such is life.
I use this site and Elite. The latter looks a bit dated. Both useful though when one has sorted the wheat from the chaff
Pat494 said:
Thanks for sharing your experiences with various chat room websites. You are right imho some are out to gouge as much money as poss - fortunately there are the more mature and helpful sites that seem to enjoy life. Such is life.
I use this site and Elite. The latter looks a bit dated. Both useful though when one has sorted the wheat from the chaff

Hi, its been over a month since you posted this. How are things going with puretick?
NinjaGroove said:
Hi, its been over a month since you posted this. How are things going with puretick?

Personally I use a spreadbet company and my own analysis. The expensive tippers are no better than my own efforts, less fun and more expensive !
We could add a new section to the KLAB for chat rooms, that way members can post their rating and reviews directly in that section. What do you think?
I've been a member of Puretick for about 3 months now and I'm very happy with them. The trading calls are clear and achievable, the track record is accurate (in fact the posted record is slightly worse than you can easily achieve), and perhaps more importantly the education provided both live in the trading room and through the videos and posts on their forum is excellent. My intention is to stick with them through the learning part of my career as a trader. If anyone wants to know more about them, feel free to ask.
Check out Pivotal Directions

They only do the e mini S&P 500

Nate seems to know what he is doing

Frank (Nate's father) is dangerous - You have to watch him - He'll call and long - then when it goes south - He'll say see I told you to go short

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E mini S&P 500 would be a great option, but I afraid about what you said. If Frank can be such dangerous why can’t we get rid of him? Lol.

From the market open at 9:30 EST, some days at 8:00 AM if there is news till about noon Nate is in the room – Nate is good, he knows what he’s taking about – But and here it comes the “BUT” – Not enough calls to show a profit – That is part my fault I only play 1 or 2 contracts at a time – Let’s face it no one is right all the time – Nate leaves you up in the air as to when to get in and when to get out

Frank comes on at 12:30 PM – Just listen to him and paper trade him – Then get back to me – Tell me, am I wrong or what – I enjoy listing to Frank I think he’s funny – I won’t follows his calls

What I would like to find is there a chat room that really knows the E-mini S&P 500
